solved How to eliminate Latest Music box from my Profile page

9 years ago
109 posts
A bit of a silly question, and I ask it with all due respect to the musicians who created this wonderful platform... why is Latest Music showing up on my profile page when I have not uploaded any music nor installed any music modules, and music is not a part of my site? It does not appear on other profiles, only on mine. As it's just a big blank box, I'd like to get rid of it but can't figure out where it's being generated. Any idea?
image.jpg  •  168KB

updated by @lesrinchen: 12/21/16 06:07:28PM
9 years ago
7,783 posts
That whole page is generated by your profile_index.tpl template:
ACP -> SKINS -> jrNingja -> TEMPLATES -> profile_index.tpl -> MODIFY

Its this section:
        {* Latest Music and Latest Videos Row *}
        {if $profile_jrAudio_item_count > 0 || $profile_jrVideo_item_count > 0}
        <div class="row">

            <div class="{if $profile_jrVideo_item_count > 0}col6{else}col12 last{/if}">
                <div class="block">
                    {jrCore_include template="profile_index_music.tpl"}

            <div class="{if $profile_jrAudio_item_count > 0}col6{else}col12 last{/if}">
                <div class="block">
                    {jrCore_include template="profile_index_video.tpl"}


Docs: "Template Blocks"

The code reads "If there are more audio items or video items than zero, then show this section."

Since you only have videos, perhaps change it to this:
        {* Videos Row *}
        {if $profile_jrVideo_item_count > 0}
        <div class="row">

            <div class="col12 last">
                <div class="block">
                    {jrCore_include template="profile_index_video.tpl"}


Docs: "Using the Template Editor"
updated by @michael: 09/21/16 12:43:05AM
9 years ago
109 posts
Got it!!! Thanks. It took me a few tries as I remembered to click Save Changes on the template list page but neglected to check the little checkbox next to the modified template. So many details, so much to learn! Thanks for making it fun and relatively easy!
9 years ago
7,783 posts
Yeah, thats easy to forget. Well done. Any subsequent edits to that template wont need that step because the template will already be active.
