solved Can I modify multiple data records at once, in this case image data that I messed up while trying to modify a form?

9 years ago
109 posts
Oops! Experimenting with modifiying my gallery update form in order to make the photo upload process as simple as possible for my users, I made the gallery title field inactive (hoping to retain the title but not allow changes to it), uploaded a new photo to my galler and Saved Changes. Big Ooops! Now, I can't update my own gallery on my own profile page. I don't think I messed up any of the other profiles' galleries, just my own.

Looking at my Data Browser, I see that I accidentally deleted the gallery_title_url from all of my profile's images. So my question is whether there's a way I can put that title back in the gallery_title_url field for all my images at once or if I have to paste it in one by one.

In other words can I modify that single field on a batch of image files at once?
updated by @lesrinchen: 12/19/16 11:06:42PM
9 years ago
7,788 posts
The gallery_title_url field is auto-generated.

If you give your gallery the title "Cute Cats doing weird stuff" then the gallery_title_url will be generated from that, it will be something that is valid to use as a url, like cute-cats-doing-weird-stuff.

If there was no gallery_title when the gallery was created, then the gallery_title_url would not have been created.

If you turn the gallery title back on and update the image, the gallery title url will be auto-generated again.

The Batch Item Editor allows for update of multiple items.

Docs: "Batch Item Editor"
9 years ago
7,788 posts
suspect your goal is to not allow your members to create different galleries, but to force them to only have one single location to upload all their photos.

If that is the goal, uncheck the "Group By Galleries" checkbox at:

That will make the list of galleries that show up on the same page.

I've never thought to turn off the gallery_title, I'll do some testing to see what issues it causes. Suspect it might require an update to the module to account for this setup though.
9 years ago
109 posts
suspect your goal is to not allow your members to create different galleries, but to force them to only have one single location to upload all their photos.
If that is the goal, uncheck the "Group By Galleries" checkbox at:

Yes, Michael, that's my goal. That each member have one single location to upload their photos.

And I started with what you suggest, unchecking Group by Gallery. But then there was no button for uploading new photos to that one location. Instead, there was a plus sign in the title bar for the purpose of adding a new Gallery, which I don't want so I hid it and was left with no way to upload new photos. This is on the NingJa skin.

Ideally, I'd just change that plus sign for adding a new gallery into an arrow-up button for uploading a new image to the one gallery. How might I do that?
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Since there is only one gallery when "Group by Gallery" is unchecked, all the images go into that single gallery. There are no individual galleries.

What I will look into is hiding the "Gallery Title" field when that is unchecked. Its not needed.
9 years ago
109 posts
Okay, got it. Yes, then it would be perfect to hide the Gallery Title field in this case. I think that would get me where I want to be.

Let me know how it goes. Thank you!
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Looks like someone's thought about this before me, in the changelog.txt im seeing:
Version 1.4.0:
 - New: "Group by Gallery" Quota Config to change profile index page layout for gallery images
 - Change: Gallery Title is now optional and can be hidden in Form Designer

The gallery title is allowed to be turned off exactly for the purpose you are thinking about.

The + button adds new images to the gallery. Even thought the TITLE is not visible, a title is assigned, all the images go into a gallery called "Gallery Images"

So Im now wondering why it didn't work as expected for you.
* uncheck "Group by Gallery" from the QUOTA CONFIG
* use the Form Designer to hide the Gallery Title.

Should have been all that was necessary.
updated by @michael: 09/16/16 11:34:29PM
9 years ago
109 posts
Wonderful! I hid the gallery title and am making some other tweaks to the form, i.e. changing the button to say "Upload Image" instead of "Create Gallery."

I'm not sure why it didn't work before. Part of it is certainly a result of changing multiple factors while learning and not immediately understanding which effects are okay and which aren't. For example, I wasn't sure if it would be okay for images to go into a gallery called "Gallery Images" while the existing images brought over from Ning are in galleries named with the profile name.

And for some reason ONE of the forms with the gallery title field was not displaying the Form Designer button, so I wasn't able to edit that form. It was probably the 'create' form that showed up when the galleries were grouped. I'm not encountering the problem anymore. I think I've got it handled now. Thanks for your help navigating this strange new world!
9 years ago
109 posts
Hi Michael,

I just looked at my Activity Log for the first time and found a long list of errors, recurring every few minutes or sometimes seconds. Three examples in the screenshots attached. All referencing gallery searches... Could this be due to removing the gallery title field? I'm a bit alarmed seeing all that orange on my Activity Log, even while things seem to be functioning okay...
updated by @lesrinchen: 09/17/16 02:55:05PM
9 years ago
7,788 posts
LesRinchen:....For example, I wasn't sure if it would be okay for images to go into a gallery called "Gallery Images" while the existing images brought over from Ning are in galleries named with the profile name.....

True, this isn't the ideal situation. Usually the "Group By Gallery" would be set to be off, then profiles would start adding stuff to their galleries and there would be no point where multiple galleries would be created.

If that was the setup I was after I would change all the users galleries in that quota to be "Gallery Images" so there was only 1 gallery. Probably use the "Batch Item Editor" and update the gallery_title field.

I see you have a different thread for the activity log issue, I'll reply to that.
