solved FoxyCart Question

9 years ago
1,022 posts
I have been using FoxyCart v1.1 since JR added FoxyCart. I see that they have v2 out which offers some functionality around subscriptions I would like to add. Before I change the version, is this already supported by JR and are there any updates I need to make?

updated by @dazed: 10/08/16 06:47:08AM
9 years ago
7,768 posts
changing from v1 to v2 should have no effect at all, and if v1 is working you can leave it as is. Jamroom only uses foxycart for their payment gateway integration. We dont use their subscription system other than to register that the user has paid again, so continue their subscription at jamroom.
9 years ago
1,022 posts
Thanks MIchael. I guess what I need to clarify this will work then. With v1.1 when a subscription payment is missed or cancelled, the subscription remains active. There is no cancel after "x" days.

In Jamroom the sub ends but at times I have payments coming in from Stripe for a sub that has already ended in JR but is still active in Foxy. Then I have payment that will never make a change to the artists account and unless they notify me, I do not know. Yes I get the email for payment but rarely do I reconcile each payment. Foxy changed this in v2 so that I can say if payment is not received in "x" days, make it inactive so it cancels.

This is why I want the change. It seems like changing is fine but based on your comments on how we use Foxy I am wondering if this is a bug or if the change will resolve this issue.
9 years ago
10,148 posts
We use V2 here on and I'm not aware of any issues.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
7,768 posts
You're right, do the upgrade. :)
9 years ago
1,022 posts
ok made the change on foxycart and setup the retries so will see what happens.

Thanks for the help all!