Why FoxyCart?

9 years ago
23 posts
Why did JR choose FoxyCart for its shopping cart functionality, when it requires a separate subscription!? I really don't care for that fact. Will you be integrating any other shopping cart systems? What would be required to integrate a different open source shopping cart script?
9 years ago
23 posts
I think you should take a look at this one: http://www.ashopsoftware.com/
9 years ago
23 posts
I understand, but seems like the same type of integration could be done with other shopping cart scripts that would also handle the integration with multiple payment processors from their end. The idea of having to take just one more recurring fee, even though it is only starting at $15/month still kinda sucks for being the only option. The Ashop cart I linked to above is really amazing, it has everything a JR owner would want. I am pretty confidant that if you contacted the owner of Ashop, he would be happy to work on integration.
9 years ago
1,353 posts
I cant wait to see the next pay pal module

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.
