Hi all.
This has been raised several times as an issue, most recently here: https://www.jamroom.net/the-jamroom-network/forum/using-jamroom/30699/disappearing-edit-and-trash-button-glitch
It has always seemed to be an intermittent glitch.
I think I have narrowed it down so you can reproduce it.
If you refresh a page in any way, (say, add a comment, or simply refresh), and as the page is loading, position your cursor inside an existing comment box, the icons will not appear in that box until you move your cursor out of it. Move back in and they disappear.
Refresh the page, taking care that your cursor is outside of the box. When you move back in, the icons re-appear and can be used as normal.
updated by @lornawebber: 09/02/16 04:59:49AM