solved OneAll not posting updates from Jamroom Timeline to Twitter/Facebook

9 years ago
81 posts
I'm using OneAll (paid version) on my JR install. The create account/login function works just fine for Facebook and Twitter, but when I post on my JR timeline, with the "Share This" checkbox checked, nothing posts to my Facebook or Twitter feeds. ----->

I've been working with Claude at OneAll, and he verified that all of my OneAll and Facebook/Twitter settings are correct. His last response to me was that it looks like the problem might be with my Jamroom setup.

There is nothing in the error or activity logs.

Anybody have any clues?

updated by @elric: 06/11/16 02:08:44AM
9 years ago
7,789 posts
can you glance an eye over the docs and make sure you're all configured on the JR side before we look for extraneous causes.

Docs: "Oneall Social"
9 years ago
81 posts
Yeah, all checked before I came here....I know better! ;-)

Verified that it IS working on my twitter account:
9 years ago
81 posts
Just disconnected my FB account, and reconnected it again, and it still doesn't post updates to Facebook. The FB connect login works flawlessly. I've tried using http and https.
9 years ago
81 posts
I changed OneAll setting to "Publish Pages - Post and comment like a page." and that seems to have done the job. Odd, yeah?
9 years ago
7,789 posts
Thanks for the update, and glad you've got it sorted. It can be hard to know where to start on an issue like this when there are so many factors and sites involved.
