Paul, I can't wait to check this new module out!
I have 6 profile admins/moderators on my site. But I also have a group of volunteer "Greeters" who love to welcome new members with a warm comment on their profile comment walls. It means a lot to new members to be made to feel welcome in person.
However I don't want my Greeters to have moderator powers. The Greeters will LOVE being notified of new members and it will make their job easier...thanks for making this module, will check it out tonight!
I'll simply clone a new quota off of regular members, and call it Greeters and put the greeters into it, then activate the module for that quota.
The only issue is that a couple of the Greeters are "Patrons" already in my Patron quota (members who make a large site donation), which puts a 'Patron' banner on their profile I wouldn't want to remove them from that quota to put them in a greeter quota...they'd lose their 'Patron badge of honor'. This is always an issue with the system whereby members can only be in one quota, but we can't have it all.
The only solution for that might be to be able to activate the autofollow module for members by an admin-only checkbox in their profile settings instead of by putting them into a quota...but I don't really expect to get that feature. I am grateful for the new module!
Hmm...i wonder now...could I clone a Patron Quota and call it PatronGreeter, and set BOTH the Greeter and the PatronGreeter quotas to be activated for the autofollow module?
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015