Approving blog posts

10 years ago
435 posts
Is there a way for members to approve blog posts before they are posted?
updated by @perrie: 03/23/16 09:09:27AM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
'Admins' can approve blog posts - ACP=>Profiles=>Blogs=>Quota Config=>Item Approval

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
435 posts

I know. What I need is for my members to be able to approve blog posts. Is that possible to do?
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Probably not. What/whose blog posts do you want to allow your members to approve? Sounds like a dubious privilege to give members, but I guess I'm mis-understanding what you want to do exactly?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
435 posts
Not really. When we were on Ning, the blogs belonged to the members, as if they were stand alone blogs and they could moderate them as they saw fit. Here, I am not sure what the purpose of the blogs are, as opposed to the forum, which I moderate.

Right now I have an advice columnist, who wants to review comments before they are posted. She doesn't want a "deleted" show, because it looks awful from an advice columnist. Do you see my issue?
10 years ago
4,335 posts
So on Ning members could moderate each others blogs? That can't be right. Sounds like a recipe for chaos!!

I've never been a 'blogger' or regularly read any blog sites, but surely they define what a blog is, as opposed to a forum topic, but if you feel they are duplicating the same functionality on your site, just disable one of them.

Could you not just make your Advice Columnist a profile admin?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
435 posts

I think you are not understanding what I am saying.

On Ning, each member could approve only their own blog posts. In other words, before a post was published, it could be approved. They couldn't do it to each other's posts, only their own. That is how all blogs work. I would think that is why you have blogs here.

Does that clarify?

I could make the Advice Columnist a profile admin, but then that gives her all the permissions that go along with that. I have read on the forum that there have been several requests for levels of administration... and I think this is just a perfect example of that. Again, we had levels of administration on Ning, and it made life much easier.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Thanks Perrie, it does clarify but doesn't explain why!! Why would someone, after writing a blog, have to approve it before it was published? Surely the act of writing it means they want it published? Jamroom blogs do include a publish date/time field so maybe your users could use that if thet want time to assess/edit what they have blogged? And they can edit/delete their blogs at any time, so self moderation is built in.

Advice Columnist suggestion - Clone his/her quota, add the forum module to it and move him/her to that quota. He/she will then have a forum for users to seek advice from, and be into total control of it.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
435 posts
LOL Paul! Communication Breakdown... to quote Led Zeppelin!

The blog post isn't what's in question. It approving the posts to that blog that is. (I hate to keep saying the naughty word) but on Ning, the blog writer could approve the posts before they were published. That is what I am talking about. So while the owners of the blog can edit/ delete blog posts, they have already been published, and it looks bad for an advice columnist to be deleting comments.

By moving her to the forum, she still will not be able to approve comments before they are published, so nothing has been achieved, unless I make her an admin, which I would prefer not to do.
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Perrie i think is talking about a member being able to approve COMMENTS made to their blog, before the comment can appear.
Member Betty has a blog, and she makes a blog post to it. Member Bob makes a COMMENT on Betty's blog post, but it won't appear publicly until Betty approves Bob's comment.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
435 posts
Exactly! Thanks Strumelia!
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Well, as you likely realise, Jamroom isn't Ning and inherently what you are wanting isn't inherent in Jamroom. However, JR is flexible enough to maybe make all things possible with a bit of customisation !!
But before we go down that route, are we talking two seperate requirements here -

1) You want users want to able to approve comments on their blog posts before the the comment shows to the general public

2) You want to facilitate an Advice Columnist

Are these two requirements connected and the Advice Columnist is somehow going to use blogs? If so, how does that work? I assumed an Advice Columnist would be asked a question and he/she gives answers. That's why I suggested giving him/her a forum.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
435 posts
1) You want users want to able to approve comments on their blog posts before the the comment shows to the general public


2) You want to facilitate an Advice Columnist

Yes, but by doing number 1, we would achieve both. So really it just comes down to the ability to approve comments on blog posts.