solved Adding To Templates On A Per Url Basis

10 years ago
370 posts
Is there anyway to add a feature to a single page via the template editor? Let's say I wanted to add something to group but ONE GROUP ONLY would it be possible to specify that the div or whatever I chose to add should appear on that one group page only?

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru

updated by @adolygwr: 03/25/16 04:29:00PM
10 years ago
7,784 posts

The rest of the details depend on what the url look like, which template you're altering and what the group id is.

The general idea/concept is to figure out a variable that will exist on in the template you're altering, then use that as a conditional to display/not-display the section.

Docs: "Template Blocks"

So if you know the group_id turns up in that template, use that as the {if} condition.

{if $?????_group_id == "1"}.......{/if}
10 years ago
370 posts
I seem to have goofed. I was assuming that the group id was 9 as in the url:-

Here is the code I added:-

{if $9_group_id == "1"}<div class="title"><h3>Latest Tracks</h3></div>{/if}
{if $9_group_id == "1"}{jrCore_list module="jrSoundCloud" order_by="_created desc" limit="12"}{/if}

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru

updated by @adolygwr: 12/14/15 08:23:10PM
10 years ago
7,784 posts
Yeah, best not to assume anything. Use {debug} to find out for sure.

Docs: "{debug}"

So its the group id 9 that you want to show it for then? if so, thats going to be on the = side of the equation.

{if $group_whatever_id == "9"}......{/if}

Its probably going to end up being:
{if $group_id == "9"}......{/if}
{if $item.group_id == "9"}......{/if}
something similar.

Oh, and that block can be as big as you need it to be, dont need to check for each line:
{if $group_whatever_id == "9"}

updated by @michael: 12/14/15 09:16:20PM
10 years ago
370 posts
k....many thanks..will play with debug. Have already tried $group_id $item.group_id $jrGroup_id and $item.jrGroup_id and it aint any of those :)

Just one thing though is there a way of adding unique content to a page anywhere on the site, in any module, something like the smarty currenturl variable?

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru

updated by @adolygwr: 12/14/15 09:54:54PM
10 years ago
7,784 posts
Put {debug} in there, see what matches the answer for "9" and then see what the variable is. There are probably a few options. There will be one in $_post for sure as $_post contains the stuff from the URL. there a way of adding unique content to a page anywhere on the site, in any module, something like the smarty currenturl variable?....

Too broad a question to answer. Probably yes, but it always depends on where and what.