I did this using the share this code for the horizontal buttons..copied the code to a notepad file and uploaded it to my server as custom_share_this.tpl in skin templates
Then in the template where I want it to display I use
{jrCore_include template="custom_share_this.tpl"}
To figure out where to put the code i always go into DEVELOPER TOOLS and select the checkbox that says something like " show the template code in source" and save/exit....then go to the discussion page where you want it to show up- right click on that area and select "view page source" or whatever its worderded as in your particular browser...then you will see the green text that looks similar to this
<!--profile_discussion template-->
just find the line of green code thats directly above the spot where you clicked ( the spot where you want the Share This to be) and thats usually the template you need to add the custom share this to....just have to play with it on that page to find the right spot-I usually type stuff like
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY in different areas of the template- then view the page live and whichever area has the letters that i want the code added to- I add the custom share this there.......then erase all the caps i added..
Just my workaround...hope it makes sense or helps in some way
Then share that particular page and go to facebook debugger and enter the url then select "FETCH"...if you see an error that says something about circular redirect or something-then you will maybe need to remove the original share this code from the page so you dont have it on there twice
Here is the link to facebook debugger
updated by @derrickhand300: 12/06/15 12:24:58AM