Uploading corrupt profile images

10 years ago
479 posts
Well, I think I have figured out for a large part why this is happening, and a common thread between the users this happened to is:

When they have uploaded a profile picture, the "user_image_extension:" is not given to the image, so if I go to their profile and download the image, it only shows/downloads as "20_user_image.", there is no gif, jpg or png on it, though I assume JR saves every uploaded image as a .jpg.

All the other images that show correctly have a .jpg as an extension.

Another common thing between users who's images are corrupted is:

user_image_type: application/binary

They all show that way, though I'm not sure if the latter has anything to do with it not saving/adding an extension to the image.

I have tried uploading .jpg and .png and had no problem with those, so I am not sure if all these images that this has been happening to, are .gif's or something else.

Would love some feedback and perhaps an explanation / solution to the problem. :)

Thank you


updated by @eddy: 02/25/16 03:14:10AM
10 years ago
10,148 posts
That sounds incorrect - if these images are being uploaded as application/binary, it means they are either bad images, or the user is saving them without an extension.

Is this only affecting a specific user on your system? Do you know the OS they are running?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
