When i am on a Group's home page, the group's Discussions are always listed in order of when they were first created, with the newest on top.
I really need this to change, since some discussions stay active while others become no longer relevant. Group members want to be able to see which discussions have been recently active, and not have those active discussions sink to the bottom despite people posting on them every day. Of course a new discussion would start out at the top anyway. This change would also make it easy to find long inactive discussions that might be candidates for deletion now and then.
I'm suspecting I can change this easily in the Group Support module templates somewhere? Like changing the "order_by" in some template location to 'latest' instead of 'created' or something?
Any help on this?- so many of my members would be thrilled by this change. Thank you
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 09/08/15 07:31:58PM