Aparna image error

10 years ago
772 posts
I have an Aparna module and have added an Image field in the Form Designer. An image is uploaded when the item is created. When I attempt to update the item's title or "credits" (there are three total fields: Title, Credits and Image), I get the following error:
You have entered an invalid value for "image"
I'm not sure why since the image is already there and showing in the form. It shows in a list and all that. I have to upload it again in order to successfully update the form.

I've not customized any of the module code. I have this same module working on another site without this issue. The only difference I see is that in the form that errors, the image is required, in the other it is not.
updated by @blindmime: 08/21/15 12:14:29AM
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Not sure if this is the correct answer- but my forms in form designer have "CREATE" and "UPDATE" I would try disabling the image requirement in the "UPDATE" form
Hope that hellps
updated by @derrickhand300: 07/19/15 02:08:31PM
10 years ago
772 posts
It's a great answer since it gets us past the error -- thanks.

The issue should still be looked into, I guess.
10 years ago
865 posts
This only occurs if the image is set to required, I seen it before but since I never had to set them as required it never bothered me.
10 years ago
772 posts
Yes, I understand, but it's still an issue. The error it's sending is wrong and should be fixed.
10 years ago
865 posts
Sure it should be fixed but you will need to manually apply it to your created modules, have you looked to see where the problem might be, more than likely in the update save function.
10 years ago
772 posts
Thanks, gary. I'm really simply pointing out the error in Aparna to the team so it can be addressed moving forward. I don't really want to fix the programming every time.
