This week I tried entering a FAQ item without success.
The module is active and has been allocated to the Quota used by the profile.
After clicking on the plus sign, I get a FAQ form and can "create new entry".
I made a new entry, but seeing no category options in the category dropdown list I did not choose any category. Consequently the FAQ was not published, though it remained in the system ready for further modification.
While playing around with this, I found that the "new value" box in fact means "add new category". There is no question box on the form to get an explanation of this.
After adding a category title, and saving the changes, my first FAQ question was at last published. From this it appears that FAQ questions must be organised into categories in order to be published. That's OK, but it would be nice if this could be clearly stated.
Can the FAQ form language be changed by JR to make the form more self-explanatory?
Can the Profile FAQ module be given documentation to explain any other tricks to using it? (I did a search in documentation, and found nothing on this module).
As an all areas where forms are provided, it would be nice if we could design the FAQ form for a specific profile or quota, without this changing the default form seen in other profiles or quotas.
When changing the FAQ form itself, by adding a new field for example, it would be enormously convenient for administrators to be given a drop-down option list such as:
1. Apply this FAQ form as default for all Profile FAQ forms
2. Apply this FAQ form as default for profiles in the present Quota
3. Apply this FAQ form only to the present profile
I imagine that options 2 or 3 would be most useful for most networks, if they were available. Unfortunately, it seems we currently have no options, and only option 1 exists (as far as I can see).
Presumably options 2 and 3 can be achieved through labour-intensive backend coding, case-by-case, but I'm hoping for an easy-to-use solution for non-coding administrators.
PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (
updated by @researchcooperative: 07/24/15 12:14:33AM