New Site Builder Module: How to Activate If your JamRoom Site Already Had It

10 years ago
41 posts
From this forum, it reads like the update to the Site Builder module went live. However, when I look at my site, I don't see a new GUI for the modules, though when I read the recent comments, it appears the redesign included the GUI.

When I search the Marketplace, I don't see it listed anywhere.

Do I need to deinstall the code I'm currently using in order to see the upgrade?

We've made all updates that were pending to the platform and are running the NingJa skin.

Here's what we're running on our site now:

Description: Site Builder support for lists and other content pieces
Version: 1.0.7
requires: pass System Core 5.2.16
pass Site Builder - Widgets
pass Site Builder - Panels
pass Editor Embedded Media
developer: The Jamroom Network, ©2015
license: Click to View License
directory: jrConstructionKit
updated by @asil: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
You need to go into the ACP -> Marketplace -> Tools - Release Channels and make the BETA Channel "Active" - then you will see it in the marketplace and can install it.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
41 posts

Thanks! When I apply that change and then check for updates, all the system offers is the Conversion Client and YouTube Support.

Do I need to deinstall the current modules in order to apply the new ones?
10 years ago
41 posts
@Brian. I took a risk and installed the beta module on the existing platform; in other words, I did not deinstall the current module set. I now see the new GUI.

Installing on top of the existing modules required that I reactive them. However, I'm not seeing a change in the version numbers assigned to the different site-builder modules, only the addition of a new module in that section named "Site Builder Core".

description: Site Builder Core provides support for all Site Builder functions
version: 1.0.5
requires: pass System Core 5.2.10
developer: The Jamroom Network, ©2015
license: Click to View License
directory: jrSiteBuilder
10 years ago
10,149 posts
@Brian. I took a risk and installed the beta module on the existing platform; in other words, I did not deinstall the current module set. I now see the new GUI.

Installing on top of the existing modules required that I reactive them. However, I'm not seeing a change in the version numbers assigned to the different site-builder modules, only the addition of a new module in that section named "Site Builder Core".

description: Site Builder Core provides support for all Site Builder functions
version: 1.0.5
requires: pass System Core 5.2.10
developer: The Jamroom Network, ©2015
license: Click to View License
directory: jrSiteBuilder

You need to disable ALL other site builder modules - only Site Builder Core should be active.

The other site builder modules will no longer be developed going forward, and are not needed with the new setup.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
41 posts
@ Brian. Thanks! I ran an integrity check and the system disabled them.

08 May 2015 09:26:00AM [admin]: integrity check completed
08 May 2015 09:25:39AM [admin]: jrSiteBuilder: (success) system import complete, disabling jrConstructionKit
08 May 2015 09:25:39AM [admin]: jrSiteBuilder: (success) system import complete, disabling jrWidget
08 May 2015 09:25:39AM [admin]: jrSiteBuilder: (success) system import complete, disabling jrPanel
08 May 2015 09:25:39AM [admin]: jrSiteBuilder: (success) system import complete, disabling jrMenu

If I'm understanding you correctly, the action we need to take is to disable and delete the following modules:

~ Site Builder - Construction Kit
~ Site Builder - Menus
~ Site Builder - Panels
~ Site Builder - Widgets

Once that's done, the only module that should be listed under the Site Builder module is the "Site Builder Core".

Do I have it right?
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Correct - I would not DELETE the old ones - just disabling them for now should be fine - especially if you are "live" - if you're not live, then you'll want to move forward with the new Site Builder so you can delete the others if you want.

Note that the new SB is still in beta though - it tries it's best to import from the existing system, but we've found the existing SB is being used in some creative ways so let us know how it goes.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
41 posts
@Brian. I went ahead and deleted the old modules as I didn't like some of the artifacts I was getting (buttons in odd places). My site is a sand-box, so I'm happy to only play in the beta.