JrElastic disappear after upgrading jrslate

10 years ago
346 posts
crazy thing just happened to my site.I have the following skins on my site
JrElastic, jrLucid,jrSage, I had JrSlate from a while back,messed around with it at one point with the original site builder. Took out site builder,decided on just to code. been working off clone skin from jrLucid which I called jrYorq.Always upgrade jrElastic no problem, recent upgrade to jr lucid no problem
I recently upgraded jrLucid, jrElastic and my clone skin was still intact.not sure why this time I decided to upgrade jrSlate and when I did.My clone skin header layout just changed by itself no longer sliding menu from the side???? The menu is on top??? WT??? I switch to jrLucid and I see the same thing..header menu now on top..is the sliding menu now taken out from jr Lucid??? For good and if so WHY?
Hoping that if I just delete jrSlate Skin..things Will change back to how it was..tht didn't work still the same header menu after deleting jr slate. so I went back and forth from jrLucid to my clone jrYorq..header did change..no side sliding menu,ran integrity check, clear cache and so on and still nothing.
Well I decided let me check out to see if JrElastic still has the sliding side menu..i landed on jrElastic page in control panel, check the active box..press save and the skin didn't change..so I looked up and I don't see no jrElastic skin..it disappear. And No I didn't delete it..no pop up warning came out to click on..Im very carefull.I make sure of that when I change skins..save changes and yiu see the ajax image spinning. .it just disappear...The jrElastic skin?????
Below is the activity log of some stuff. .that was updated and deleted

05/02/15 09:08:23AM [admin]: successfully updated skin jrSlate from version 1.0.4 to 1.0.70

5/02/15 09:08:14AM [admin]: successfully updated skin jrNewLucid from version 1.1.1 to 1.1.2

04/29/15 12:00:29AM daily_maintenance started

04/28/15 11:11:06PM [admin]: successfully updated skin jrNewLucid from version 1.1.0 to 1.1.104/28/15

11:10:57PM [admin]: successfully updated skin jrElastic from version 1.2.8 to 
updated by @boplive: 06/08/15 09:43:29PM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
A skin that is not active should not effect a skin that is active.


and try reloading the jrElastic to re-dowload the latest version from the marketplace.

not really understanding what:
Quote: ....no longer sliding menu from the side???? The menu is on top???...
means, a screenshot perhaps.
10 years ago
346 posts
Hi Michael,

Hope ur day or night is going well.
You know..I went to

the skins is not even listed there to reload...it's not even in the marketplace under skins link or installed link..?????
And about the sliding menu..referring to the mobile menu..which slides from the left..I'll get you a screen shot
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Which skin are you referring to that's not there? jrSlate? jrElastic?
10 years ago
346 posts
JrElastic...is not there at all.
It disappear when
05/02/15 09:08:23AM [admin]: successfully updated skin jrSlate from version 1.0.4 to 1.0.70
10 years ago
10,149 posts
JrElastic...is not there at all.
It disappear when
05/02/15 09:08:23AM [admin] : successfully updated skin jrSlate from version 1.0.4 to 1.0.70

That really makes no sense - the marketplace doesn't even "see" anything outside of jrSlate when performing that operation. Are you certain it was there right before that?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
346 posts
Yes sir. JrElastic was there

The activity log doesn't lie;)

05/02/15 09:08:23AM [admin]: successfully updated skin jrSlate from version 1.0.4 to 1.0.70

04/28/15 11:11:06PM [admin]: successfully updated skin jrNewLucid from version 1.1.0 to 1.1.10

4/28/15 11:10:57PM [admin]: successfully updated skin jrElastic from version 1.2.8 to  

10 years ago
10,149 posts
There's 4 days separating those log entries, so unfortunately that doesn't really help. Is that last log entry cut off or is the second version number gone?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Can you send me your login info, I'll take a look. Might need the FTP info if I cant find anything with the admin login.

