in progress In principle, can we place multiple search boxes on a single page using widget panels?

10 years ago
694 posts
I have tried to place multiple search boxes on a single page using widget panels.

I tried to follow the instructions in the documentaion on "how to add a search box in a widget":

I do not get any results from any of the three search boxes installed. Perhaps the indexing has not started at my site, though I have activated full-text searching in the search module.

My first concern though is that the search boxes do not operate independently. Whichever search box it is that I use, of the three installed on my search page, the search action loop spins next to the upper left box, and then the "reset" term appears on all three search boxes.

I suspect I face multiple technical problems here, but my first question is general:

In principle, can we place multiple, different and independent search boxes on a single page using widget panels?

If yes, then I will be happy to ask a freelanceer to set this up for me, eventually, if the technicalities are too much for me.

My aim is to have a single "Search Central" page where visitors can explore the network in multiple ways from a single location.


PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 05/20/15 08:55:38AM
10 years ago
1,353 posts
You can do it but it takes some custom coding...ran into this and a similar issue in that pagination will only work in one place on a page
Cant have pagination at the bottom of a page AND inside a widget...
10 years ago
10,149 posts
In principle, can we place multiple, different and independent search boxes on a single page using widget panels?

In principle, yes - I would not try it at this time with the current Site Builder - it would be better handled in the new site builder with it's widget setup. So let's revisit this after the new SB is released.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom