My playlist as a list of songs

9 years ago
167 posts
I have a playlist and I want to display it as a list of songs without a player on the home page. Is it possible?

I tried to use this:
{jrCore_list module="jrPlaylist" order_by="_created desc" search1="playlist_title = best" profile_id="1" template="index_radio.tpl"}
but it displays the player.

I see a list of the songs can be displayed on the page of the playlist in a profile page.

In item_detail.tpl it displays this

{foreach $item.playlist_items as $playlist_item}

{include file=$item.playlist_templates[$playlist_item.playlist_module] playlist_id=$item._item_id}


but this code does not work in index_radio.tpl etc.
updated by @dim: 03/23/15 01:00:36AM
9 years ago
167 posts

Is BBcodes only work in the comments?
John Bizley
John Bizley
9 years ago
251 posts
You could just hide the player using css so it leaves just the list of songs. Pop up a link to your site and will see what can be added to do this when I get home from work later.
9 years ago
167 posts
@john-bizley, css..

At the moment I am not able to display a list of songs of my playlist on the main page.
9 years ago
7,748 posts
You can use this code to get playlist #1
{capture name="row_template" assign="template"}
    {if isset($item.playlist_items) && is_array($item.playlist_items)}
    {jrCore_module_url module="jrAudio" assign="murl"}
    {foreach $item.playlist_items as $_i}
    the item name is {$_i.audio_title}

{jrPlaylist_util mode="embed_playlist" playlist_id=1 template=$template}

The {debug} in there will popup the dialog and show you what all the variables you can use are. Remove it once your happy with the layout of your template.
