solved How do I add activities or events to Widgets?

10 years ago
34 posts
I am new to site builder and trying to add widgets on my first page but it is only giving me the option to add content not anything else like groups or activity or events.

updated by @bestsingletravel: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
10 years ago
7,793 posts
make sure you have the 'embed' module enabled.

"Editor Embedded Media"

Then take a look at this page:

10 years ago
34 posts
Thanks I found it but now confused how to add the activity to my home page - I add a widget - click on embed - then click on activity - but nothing seems to happen

what I want is on the right column to have first a signup - then members - then activities - not sure if this is possible using just one widget

here is my site so far -
10 years ago
7,793 posts
Not sure what you mean by "Click on Activity". The embed button is for adding an element to your page. That element must exist in the system on a profile somewhere.

If your meaning you're wanting to add a list of things, then make sure the Construction Kit module is enabled.

That allows you to add lists into widgets.

No need to put everything into one widget either, you can add as many as you want to an area of page layout and they you can re-arrange them easily.

Your sites looking good.
10 years ago
34 posts
I figured it out - thanks!!

While I have your attention - is there a way to put borders around the modules?
10 years ago
7,793 posts
Best to title any forum posts in a way that will be helpful to others searching. So a good title for this thread would have been "How do I add an activity list to a widget" or "How to add lists to widgets".

It helps keep our workload lighter if answers are easily found. ;)

"is there a way to put borders around the modules?" - There is no widget styler built yet, I started one a while ago, but it took up too much time so I put it off til later. You can style anything via your skins CSS system. Try cloning the skin, then adding to its CSS. Each widget will have a unique class name.
