Homepage not visible to logged out users

10 years ago
301 posts
The homepage I've created in SiteBuilder only populates when logged in - are there quota level permissions somewhere that I should have set? No other pages seem to have the issue...

The error message is: The panel you requested was not found...

updated by @iamtimbo: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
10 years ago
2,804 posts
Make sure your using the latest versions of the Site Builder modules, I'm not seeing an issue on my dev site.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
301 posts
Yep - I'm up to date with site builder...
10 years ago
2,804 posts
Do you have a we can check out?


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
301 posts
iamtimbo.com - I'll drop the wall...

I don't think its related, as it's not SiteBuilder, but for some reason not all available module tabs show up in profiles either, unless you're logged in as admin.

A place profile should show timelin, followers, images, gallery, etc, but only followers and forum are visible.....
updated by @iamtimbo: 02/07/15 08:33:52AM
10 years ago
2,804 posts
The admin sees everything, so make sure the modules that you don't see are allowing your quotas access to it via the modules Quota Config tab.

Also, make sure you have an index page setup in your menu. Without logging in, I can't tell if you have one already or not, it doesn't seem that you do.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
301 posts
I think you're right about the index issue. Can sort that, not sure how that happened.

I assumed it was a quota issue with the tabs, but my test non-admin's quota is definitely allowed access to jrActivity, jrGallery, etc, and definitely used to be able see them....
10 years ago
301 posts
UPDATE: I went to make a page called 'index', which it transpired took me to the page I had already created, and it is still not visible to non-logged in users.

Some very odd things happening on here all round!
10 years ago
7,793 posts
'index' already exists. index is the default name for when a file is not specified.


are both index.tpl in your skin.
10 years ago
7,793 posts
iamtimbo:....for some reason not all available module tabs show up in profiles either, unless you're logged in as admin.....

Its not site builder related, its normal behaviour. If a profile has access to a module but has not yet uploaded or created anything on that module, there will be nothing shown to visitors but admin and the profile owner will see the buttons so they can click on them to create items there.


has access to use the blog system but if 'michael' has not created any blog items yet, then the blog button will not show to users who are just casually browsing that profile. WHY? because there would be nothing to see when they clicked on it.
10 years ago
301 posts
I see. Can I force them to show, even if they're empty, by changing profile_tabs.html? The way that I'm set up, some of the tabs may not 'know' they have content yet....
10 years ago
7,793 posts
If you change profile_tabs.tpl then you will be changing it for every profile regardless of quota. You could add normal links in there, but its not the nicest way to go.

What you can do that should be easier, is to locate the {jrProfile_menu} call in the profile_header.tpl file and add some parameters to it


I think what you want to add is the always_show parameter

10 years ago
301 posts
Hi Michael, I'd just stumbled on the documentation as you'd posted that, and it's worked perfectly - thank you!

I'm still having the home page problem, though. I've checked in the panel browser, and 'index' is the page that I wish to be the home page. However, only admin can see it - signed-in 'normal' users and logged-out persons just get the panel not found error.

I've created a menu entry for it as you suggested above. Any thoughts gratefully received.

One thing I've also noticed when in the panel browser - there was an entry there for every URL typo I've ever made as an admin....I guess a page is created if it doesn't exist but the admin 'visits' that location......
10 years ago
7,793 posts
iamtimbo:...I'm still having the home page problem, though. I've checked in the panel browser, and 'index' is the page that I wish to be the home page. However, only admin can see it - signed-in 'normal' users and logged-out persons just get the panel not found error....

Not sure how to go about checking whats going on there, its not working like that for me here, everyone can see it.

Got any idea on how I can set mine up to see that issue? Makes it much easier to figure stuff out if I have a local copy of the problem.

iamtimbo:...One thing I've also noticed when in the panel browser - there was an entry there for every URL typo I've ever made as an admin....I guess a page is created if it doesn't exist but the admin 'visits' that location......

Thats right. If you are the admin and you go to any URL you can create a page there. The key indicator as to whether its a 'mistake' page or not is if there are no widgets and the page is the default 3-6-3 layout.
10 years ago
301 posts
Hi, Michael - I have no idea how you could set yours up to replicate the issue, as I have no idea what's different about it at this end! Racking my brains, I was thinking back to when I created the page, and how I might have done it. I think that I would have accessed the 'home' page in order to modify it by clicking the network logo.

I don't remember creating it as such in the menu builder. Does it need to occupy a certain position in the menu builder?
10 years ago
1,353 posts
I am not sure if this applies or helps but you resolved the same problem I had with home page not displaying when logged out


I reckon that might help
10 years ago
301 posts
Thanks Derrick!
10 years ago
1,353 posts
you're welcome- I would have posted the solution but it was a long help ticket that involved installing a special file
I really cant remember what the solution was but I know if it helps Michael will recall it
After reading your post I thought "I had this problem once" so thought I would share
10 years ago
7,793 posts
Thanks Derrick, much appreciated.

So the problem there was there was no content added. Did you add any content? If not there will be nothing to show.

You can install some default content structure if you don't want to build it yourself by going to:

And import the default ning .json file that has some pre-made content built by the skin designer.
10 years ago
301 posts
Not sure what you mean by content - it has panels and widgets with stuff in, if that's what you mean - see the attachment. The issue is that only the admin sees it. Anyone else gets the panel not found error. No other pages have this problem.
image.jpg  •  510KB

updated by @iamtimbo: 02/14/15 01:36:26AM
10 years ago
1,353 posts
You might go here real quick and make sure your ftp setting are correct-If they changed after you made a few pages your updates wont be getting to the server ( maybe?) Of course replace YourSiteName with your URL :)
http://Your Site Name/marketplace/admin/global/hl=ftp_host#ff-ftp_host
10 years ago
7,793 posts
Yeah, you have content there, that should be showing up. I'll see if I can re-produce it here. Try changing the skin to SLATE to see if the content shows up then. If the content does show up on slate, then its a skin related issue.

It doesn't feel like a skin related issue though, so I'll look into it and get back to you.
10 years ago
7,793 posts
Its not working like yours is here, I'd like to take a look at it if I could. Could you send me the admin login info to support at jamroom.net and I'll login and take a look.

It shouldn't be doing that.
10 years ago
301 posts
I'm using the Slate skin already! I'll pop the admin login over to you - thanks Michael.....