For #2- You might want to update the cloud documentation. It does not indicate you need the audio and video modules on the conversion worker. I think this is where there is where I keep getting confused. You say you have to install jamroom core. But my main JR site has many modules besides the core. This includes audio and video. However I thought the core included ffmpeg and other tools so the audio and video modules weren't necessary.
When I say "Jamroom Core" I just mean the free Jamroom Core - NOT all the modules that are on your site. And although the core provides ffmpeg, the Audio and Video modules are what provide all the logic and functions to do the actual WORK. The only functionality the core provides is media meta data reading using FFMpeg.
Additionally, this means that each additional conversion server needs:
1 Core client ($$ unknown)
1 Queue client ($$ unknown)
1 worker client ($$ unknown)
1 Audio client ($29)
1 Vidio client ($29)
That's for each
Conversion Worker. You only need Audio and Video on the Conversion Workers.
It seems this could get expensive. It would be great if you just charged for the masters and let the clients be unlimited. And if the core components needed from the audio and video modules were included in the core. The point is we are not really using the full audio/video modules on each worker; just the free conversion tools.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean here - the Conversion Workers use the functions from the Audio and Video support modules to do conversions.
#4- Which modules are safe to disable on conversion workers? (sorry, still getting terminology right)
If you go here:
You only need to install the FREE Jamroom Core + the modules outlined for each of the server types.
I know the docs are limited right now but I'm slowly getting them done. Any questions I can help.
#6- For the conversion server, is it better to have more memory or more cores? How does each affect performance?
It depends a little:
- more cores = more simultaneous conversions going on
- more memory - LARGER files will convert faster
1 GIG RAM per Core should be fine.
#7- Do you have any recommendations for disabling/securing the jamroom sites on the cloud servers (conversion, log, etc), so that they are only used by the main site? It seems silly to have a bunch of unconfigured jamroom sites just sitting there that people can try to log into.
- All communication between servers is encrypted (SHA256)
- disable signups on any server that users are not logging in to
- run the Cloud Skin on the servers - it's a minimal skin that disables profiles (skin setting)
Like Michael pointed out too - if you plan on running A LOT of servers, the VIP Unlimited subscription was designed for that - all modules and skins are free on as many servers as you would like.
Hope this helps!
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom