Quota Questions

Lora McMeans
Lora McMeans
10 years ago
41 posts
The term quota is the same as member categories on Ning correct?

I have set up a new quota profile called Merchant. I want to use this to give access to PAID members.

I want them (merchants quota) to be the ONLY people who have access/permission to adding images to the site.

I still want them to be part of the overall community I create.

When I hover over the info icon... I am not sure I understand what this means

"If this option is checked, Profiles in this quota will be allowed to change their Profile Privacy. If unchecked, the Default Profile Privacy will be used instead."

updated by @lora-mcmeans: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
10 years ago
7,768 posts
Ning doesn't have quotas as far as Im aware (but thats not very aware having never used Ning).

Seams like your in a different location than where you want to be with that message:
Quote: "If this option is checked, Profiles in this quota will be allowed to change their Profile Privacy. If unchecked, the Default Profile Privacy will be used instead."

Thats the wording from the PROFILE module's quota config tab. What you want to configure is the sales modules quota and the image modules quota.

So think about it in levels.
sell stuff = foxycart
display images = gallery

So to let people sell stuff, go to:

* In the "Selected Quota" drop down box, choose the quota you want to change permissions for. The page will refresh and you'll be setting up whether that quota can do stuff or not.
* Get the options how you like them and make sure the "Allowed on Profile" is checked to give them access.

Next do the same thing for galleries.

* In the "Selected Quota" drop down box, choose the quota you want to change permissions for. The page will refresh and you'll be setting up whether that quota can do stuff or not.
* Get the options how you like them and make sure the "Allowed on Profile" is checked to give them access.

There's some more explanation on the quota system here:

"The Quota System"
Lora McMeans
Lora McMeans
10 years ago
41 posts
Okay I will have to study this and wrap my head around it... :) Thanks!
