Below are the current 2 templates. When I add in profile id's of search1="_profile_id = 1,2,3" nothing appears on the index.
I also changed the site_news.tpl to have the corresponding user/profile ids. I also looked at the skin global settings and if I add 1,2,3 that also wreaks havoc as it kills the slider.
So what is the easiest way to allow more users to post news items?
{jrCore_list module="jrBlog" order_by="_created desc" search1="_profile_id = `$_conf.Mixposure_blog_profile`" search2="blog_category = news" template=$site_news_template pagebreak="4" page=$_post.p}
{if isset($_conf.Mixposure_blog_profile) && $_conf.Mixposure_blog_profile > 0}
{jrCore_list module="jrBlog" order_by="_created desc" search1="_profile_id = `$_conf.Mixposure_blog_profile`" search2="blog_category = news" template=$site_news_template pagebreak="4" page=$_post.p}
{jrCore_list module="jrBlog" order_by="_created desc" search1="_user_id = 1" search2="blog_category = news" template=$site_news_template pagebreak="4" page=$_post.p}
updated by @dazed: 10/08/14 07:11:49PM