Artist Pack question

11 years ago
27 posts
Sorry if this seems a stupid question,
If I install any modules,say the solo artist bundle,do I.have to do any coding to get any of the modules to display/work? For example will the Audio pack work right out of the box,display a play icon icon when I upload tracks? Or do I have to insert code into my template etc
I ask as I work 12 hours a day and 4 kids running round me when I'm.home. :-)
updated by @dkmowbray: 09/22/14 07:25:37AM
11 years ago
7,772 posts
All the modules will have some functionality that you dont need to do any coding to get them to work.

Just allow them to be on the users profile.

You allow them to be on the users profile by first activating the module in the ACP. (so the module is active.)

Then you go to the QUOTA CONFIG tab on that module and check the "allowed on profile" checkbox.

Thats there in case you want to have 2 groups of users. (user feature sets are called 'quotas').

Once you allow a quota to use a module then that tab will show on the users profile.

After they upload something (music, video, youtube, whatever) then that tab will show up on their profile for everyone to see.

The main place where you would normally head to the templates and start coding is when you want to change the top-section of your site

The top section of your site is where you show off the stuff your users have on their profile. You dont need to do this, it depends on which skin you are using.

If you take a look at the demos:

You will see some of them have a lot of top-section code already in place. others are more sparse.
11 years ago
27 posts
Thanks mate,that's cool
