About Intergration script into jamroom

11 years ago
78 posts
Hi Friends , I was wondering if I can Intergrate a script an have the pages block by jamroom and also make it were users can create prices for the block pages like membership , daily, monthy, or whenever they want to enable that type of subscription ? , so members would have to purchase to access the pages ...

can the buy now paypal button be setup for this - were instead of download access it would be page access ?

updated by @cadberry: 08/12/14 12:02:09AM
11 years ago
1,022 posts
There is an old saying in the Information Technology world. You can do anything you want as long as you know how to code it. If you are asking can you just put a conditional statement in to do this the answer is no.

I look at your requirements like this.

1. Image Gallery to be setup for pay access only
2. user can subscribe daily, monthly or yearly
3. user will use paypal to buy subscription
4. successful paypal completion allows access
5. end of subscription triggers renewal notification
6. successful renewal extends subscription based on time increment
7. failure to extend subscription blocks access
8. payment goes to (user account or admin account?)
9. if payment goes to admin, does the user get a payout?
11 years ago
4,335 posts
Not sure how Dazed got to those requirements from Cadberry's post, but if he is correct, that can be done with subscriptions via the jrFoxyCart module switching profile quotas accordingly, and a bit of template work checking the user quota and showing the gallery images if valid.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
11 years ago
1,022 posts
It was guesswork because I have seen people want model pages in similar fashion. I was trying to think it through and that was what I came up with. We will see how close I was lol.
11 years ago
78 posts
OK - Thanks My Good Friends, - I was actually trying to intergrate a chatroom and wanted users to be able to block there page with payment access - and once paid they have access right away ?

also - I was going to try using split pay with the buy now button -
so possibly they can make different prices for certain days to enable and block pages example ( 4.95/ monthy for Wed. users and 10$one time payment for friday users - and once that day is done they would disable the button until next time ?
11 years ago
4,335 posts
If you can integrate the chatroom as a custom module, its all still do-able with jrFoxyCart, quotas and template modification, as described above. After subscription, users would be moved to a quota with the chatroom module enabled, and template mods. would also have to detect the day of week as well as the users' quota.
SteveX has a chat module here - http://www.jamroom.net/ultrajam/networkmarket/108/together-mpl - Have you checked that out?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
11 years ago
1,022 posts
well I missed the target hehe.
11 years ago
7,790 posts
cadberry:...trying to intergrate a chatroom.... want users to be able to block their page with payment access.....once paid they (the chatters) have access right away...

The way I would set this up would not be with the subscriptions model.

I think a valid_til date would be the best way to go.

* The user purchases an extension of the date they can access the chatroom until.
* If the users entry pass still has time to go on it, they can enter, otherwise they see the pay button.

That way each user can have a separate chatroom on their profile and each is paid entry.

If you only want 1 chatroom on the main site, then do what paul said.

Either way its going to require coding.
11 years ago
78 posts
I thank you all for your help my good Friends - The last post by michael might be the way I try first - because i would like for users to have their own rooms , and the buy now button with a Valid_til date code - i had wanted a way were they can keep track of orders inside their control panel - now i rather for them to just rely on their paypal account for transaction history themselves - so if i can integrate a Valid_until code with the paypal and split pay , they can just enable or disable when needed ? do you have a example of the Valid_til code ?
11 years ago
7,790 posts
nope. It was just an idea. I haven't built the module.

The valid_til would just be a date. Check that that date is not in the past and approve/deny on that.
