solved Make moving categories in the forum easier to do

ABCD in Action
5 years ago
61 posts
Right now when I add a new category in a forum, my only option to rearrange the order of categories is to use the up arrow. And it.... takes.... forever...... when you have a bunch of categories.

Would it be possible to make it so you can just grab and move it? That would be so much easier and that's what I can do in so many apps now when I want to rearrange the order of something. E.g., moving the cities around on my clock on my phone (see attached screenshot). I'm not a tech person so if you try to explain how this would/wouldn't work, it wouldn't make sense to me... just thinking about something that would make it a lot easier to use.
IMG_4381.PNG  •  133KB

updated by @abcd-in-action: 03/13/21 04:55:36AM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Unfortunately that is hard coded as a Forum module view so cannot be changed with templating, but appreciate that with as many forum categories that you have, it would take a few minutes to setup the required order, but presumably its not something you need to do that often?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
ABCD in Action
5 years ago
61 posts
Thanks for your response, Paul. We're in the process of planning a redesign and trying to make this as simple to use as possible (for our members as well as me! LOL). So we are going through the categories and trying to make sense of them, see what can be combined, what can be deleted, what we're missing, etc. So there's going to be some shifting and moving going on over the next few months, I think. (we don't move that fast!) I understand why it can't be changed... it was an idea (shrug my shoulders...)

updated by @abcd-in-action: 11/18/20 03:00:22PM
