Please can you guys create an option for login redirection, so that a user can be directed back to the original source page they came in on. I had this option on my Social Engine site and it was very useful for gathering comments on blogs and other items when shared on Facebook, Twitter etc. For example, if i share a blog about whatever from my site onto Facebook or anywhere else. I get people clicking the link that are not logged in to my site or not even members which is great but, the first thing they wanna do is comment on it. The problem with Jamroom is that when they log in they are redirected to a landing page and are not redirected back to the blog or whatever item they clicked in the first place that they wanted to comment on. I know and i am sure you know that you can just click the back button a few times after logging in to get to that original page but no one is gonna do that. I feel like an option like this would drastically increase user engagement.
updated by @zachary-moonshine: 01/31/20 05:13:02AM