solved Song Upload Message

7 years ago
1,022 posts
When you upload a song you get a message, "This audio file is currently being processed and will appear here when complete." The problem is this does not change and if they sit on the page, it will stay this way forever.

Is there a solution (like ajax or something?) that can determine the song is complete and reload so the song appears?

updated by @dazed: 06/05/18 06:47:33AM
7 years ago
10,149 posts
When you upload a song you get a message, "This audio file is currently being processed and will appear here when complete." The problem is this does not change and if they sit on the page, it will stay this way forever.

Is there a solution (like ajax or something?) that can determine the song is complete and reload so the song appears?

If that message is staying that way forever, then there's a problem. As soon as the audio file is done converting the cache for the audio item is reset so it will no longer show. I've just tested here and don't see an issue, so make sure your conversions are actually completing.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
1,022 posts
Hey Brian - If I refresh the page, the song appears. It has been this way for years.
7 years ago
10,149 posts
Hey Brian - If I refresh the page, the song appears. It has been this way for years.

OK - maybe I'm not understanding the issue then - you said that message would just stay there forever, but then you said if you refresh the page the song appears...

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
1,022 posts
Repro Steps:

Create a New Song
Add Audio
Click submit and Upload a Song
Result: Page goes to song detail page and displays "This audio file is currently being processed and will appear here when complete." This message never changes despite the message "and will appear here when complete." Right now users read this and think the song is still processing.

Work Around: Refresh the page and the audio is displayed.

Expected Result: Once the message is displayed, the song should finish processing and then the song detail page should automatically refresh and display the song.
7 years ago
7,789 posts
maybe the wording should read "This audio file is currently being processed and will appear on this page when its complete, refresh the page now to see if its finished."
because there is no auto-refresh. It would require push notification system to be setup and that's currently not there.
7 years ago
1,022 posts
Hey Michael! That is the quick fix and will work. Where would I find text for this?
7 years ago
7,789 posts
For audio its on the ACP -> MODULES -> PROFILE -> AUDIO -> LANGUAGE -> #40 language string.
7 years ago
18 posts
Im trying to upload songs but am unable. The songs upolad quickly, and are in MP3 format. But after clicking on "create" the songs never appear. The create icon just keeps going and going...
7 years ago
7,789 posts
Im trying to upload songs but am unable. The songs upolad quickly, and are in MP3 format. But after clicking on "create" the songs never appear. The create icon just keeps going and going...

start a new thread. This one is about something different and is marked "solved"