solved Android and Apple App

8 years ago
48 posts
Hello All!
I think this topic was brought before, but I'm bringing it back again and I hope you guys don't mind.

With all the mobile apps for androids and Apples being so successfully, I noticed that most if not the mayority had also developed Mobiel apps on top of their websites. I feel like We(Jamroom users) are left behind this technologies. I know that all the jamroom skin are mobile compatible which is great, but I also have noticed that most mobile users prefers to use an app rather than a website. Therefore now days mobile apps are a must have to stay on top of this competitive market.
Has Jamroom thought about developing mobile app for Android and Apple and perhaps windows that is also coming back and strong?

I remember in the past, Nate developed an Android App for jamroom 4. For me it worked perfect and I think I still have it listed in the Google app store. It is no longer working, but it is still there.

I'm aware that Proxima is available for this purpose, but for me or other none-developer people may be a little difficult to achieve.
I'm just wondering it it is in the TO DO list to bring back Jamrom Mobile App for Android and Apple.

I found this app that has a Jamroom platform and it is just the type that I'm looking for. This apps plays youtube videos, soundcloud, and even has a Radio Page.

Congratulation for developing this awesome app. I really like it.

Thank You

updated by @luis456: 08/12/17 04:39:58PM
8 years ago
10,149 posts
I know this gets brought up from time to time. If you're serious about wanting a mobile app, feel free to contact us. There's just no way to make a "generic" Jamroom app that can be used by anyone - each is unique and takes quite a bit of time and energy getting it so it is setup in the app stores.

It's not cheap - be prepared to spend quite a bit of $$ getting one created for you, as the amount of work can easily take up to 6 months.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
865 posts
The trend we will start to see over the next few years is that apps in todays sense will start to be replaced by PWA's (progressive web apps). This is defiantly one area where Jamroom could get more involved with in the future, Jamroom already works well as a mobile website, but there are technologies available in the web (ie service worker) to take advantage of native system features.

I don't know if this is an area the team are interested in but it would be a cost/time effective way of going.
updated by @garymoncrieff: 05/14/17 01:41:30PM
