youtube video search

8 years ago
253 posts
When you select youtube videos form the list and you select 'search or import selected ' to add videos , where is cancel button suppose to take you to? it currently keeps you on the same youtube search results page, it would make more sense if it takes you to the newly added videos page.
updated by @musamensa: 05/20/17 09:11:30PM
8 years ago
10,149 posts
It should take you back to the "create youtube video" page (which is where you launch the search). Just tested here and I don't see any issues.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
253 posts
ok i just though that when you cancel from that page you should go back to the profile page.
8 years ago
7,790 posts
What you're seeing might be valid. You're right it should go back to the profile page. I've tried here too, it does go back to the profile page for me too.

If you know of steps to take that make it so that it does not go back to the profile page, please let us know so we can get it fixed. :)
8 years ago
253 posts
After selecting and adding videos , when I try to close nothing happens
8 years ago
3,603 posts
After adding your video successfully, what exactly are you doing or clicking on when you "try to close"?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
8 years ago
7,790 posts
For me i cant reproduce "when i try to close nothing happens". For me it goes back to the list.

Could you send us some login details for where you can see it happening. Maybe its only happening on your site. I can check it out.

what I think the steps are:
* select + to add to youtube
* select search
* search for some videos
* add a selection of them via the checkbox and save buttons
* click CANCEL

That you will be taken back to the profile list of videos.

That nothing happens .

I can test that on your site from here if you like.
8 years ago
253 posts
i am closing from the video search result page and nothing happens, i am still on the result page and i can see the videos that i have checked on the listed without their checkbox. when i try to close nothing happens
