Thanks Brian. If a user disabled all of them in the old format
The format of the notifications haven't changed - just the layout. In other words, the underlying functionality is the same as it has been since the initial JR5. It used to be that all the options were shown on one page. They still had the same options (do not notify, email or private note - although some do not have private note). They still line up with the same keys. So if a user had a specific setup on the old form, it will still be the same on the new form.
The old way (all on one page) wasn't received very well - we had numerous users ask us to change it since it was "just a wall of text" and presented too many choices at once to the user.
Hopefully this section is mostly "set and forget", and not too much of a burden on your users. If your users are really unhappy with it let us know - we've changed this area a few times and we can always look at changing it again if it offers a clear improvement.
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom