Auto-tagging content

8 years ago
694 posts
It might work like this... if all content is indexed, then banned words, particles, full-cap acronyms, numbers etc. can be stripped out, and then the rest can be turned into automatically generated tags.

At the same time, content owners could have the choice of deleting unwanted tags, and adding new tags if they want.

Creating large tag clouds based on total content might make tag-cloud navigation apps, and related-content suggestion apps more useful.

Or would very large tag sets become server-eating beasts that slow sites down?

Perhaps they could be sampled randomly in some way to generate smaller but representative tag clouds that mobile apps can handle.

Alternatively, there could be a tag-density dial to be set by visitors according to how deeply they wish to explore a network of related content.

I would be surprised if these kinds of tools have not already emerged around the concept of tag clouds. Meanwhile, what we already have at JR looks good to me.

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 01/14/17 03:23:05AM