The Dream Module Using RSS Feeds to Create Newsletters Module

9 years ago
1,353 posts
Ever since moving my first site to Jamroom I have dreamed of a module that sends a daily/weekly digest of all the new content on my site in a newsletter to members/subscribers.
It would take me forever to create a single email but I have been playing with some programs that do a pretty good job of it automatically using the RSS feed from content on my site
The problem with the software are that THEY want to send the emails for you at a cost of around $300 bucks per 20,000
With Mailgun installed I can send the emails for less than 10 bucks!

So I would like a module that takes one or more RSS feeds and turns them into a newsletter ( copy/paste the code from the module into a newsletter using jamroom newsletter module)

Any page that has an RSS feed could be used-examples would be LATEST NEWS-LATEST PHOTOS-LATEST VIDEOS etc... each with its own RSS feed

I did a trial using a RSS feed to Newsletter program a moment ago using
and the results were great. I received the newsletter in email with just a click and it was formatted perfectly

I think keeping members/suscribers involved is the best thing you can do for your site and an RSS to Newsletter module would be perfect for this

Maybe this helps?
updated by @derrickhand300: 05/11/16 10:45:43AM
