An indicator light bulb .png in the admin panel indicating when there is an update

9 years ago
1,325 posts
It would be nice to see an indicator i.e. light bulb .png in the admin panel indicating when there is an update.

The admin would have the option to set auto update

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.

updated by @izhmel: 03/27/16 10:48:07AM
9 years ago
7,750 posts
Thanks for the suggestion.
9 years ago
1,325 posts
There could be more indicator bulbs that could be added i.e under system check Increase MySQL max_allowed_packet setting to 32mb, this would show the red bulb,the same for PHP errors.

All indicators could be displayed right above the menu bar to alert the admin of errors or updates
light bulb.png, light bulb.png, light bulb.png, light bulb.png, light bulb.png,

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The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.
