foxycart upgrades

10 years ago
3,304 posts
ive been talking to fc support for months now about customations and improvements
much of this needs tobe built into a upgraded fc module
iknow fc is 1 of the most out of date modules, thats in the most desperate need of upgrading, and, upgrading it is 1 of the more compl,icated upgrades on the agenda

today they rolled out an updateto the fc side of things that alows multiple origon point shipping configuration, they already had multiple destination point configuration but was based on the main store lication (shop site not individual shops within the account)

shipping fees need to becalculatable based on zone sent from and zone sent to, there aremultiple zones within domestic as well as multiple international zones a 1 fee for us and 1 for international doesnt cut it

this is just 1 of dozens and dozens of improvements a upgraded module would bring to the table and make our shops a real viable alternative to other shops out there like etsy

although its a complicated upgradei would consider it ahigh priority upgrade

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 07/24/15 06:25:47AM
10 years ago
772 posts
I am also interested in seeing this happen. I just came from the discussion here:

One addition I suggest is price variations. For instance +$2 for 3XL sizes. So for a t-shirt you'd want the possibility for multiple variations (color, size, brand) and assign price premiums to them (extra costs). So you have a base price and then possibility for premiums on variations.

Many cart systems also allow assigning images for variations so when a user chooses a color, that image is displayed. This would be an added nicety.
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Jamroom only uses foxycart for the payment processing, so any other features that foxycart may have added are not used in the jamroom integration.

We do have plans to upgrade the foxycart module coming up. The merchandise store is a separate issue.
