Need tools to engage members

10 years ago
1,353 posts
Right now I have 78 visitors online and not a single one is a site member. I have seen as high as 300 visitors and not a single site member logged in.
I cannot get ANY engagement from my members until I have the tools to engage them

The platform I left had a tab next to content that allowed me to share this content with ALL site members via email- you could send as many of these emails as you wanted and it didn't cost you a dime EVER

Members would receive an email with a thumbnail photo- the headline of the content ( which was a link to the content) and a short 1st paragraph of the content

This was and remains the most important tool to get member engagement- members click the link in the email- takes them to their log in...maybe already logged in then goes to the content where they can comment on it instantly

You didn't have to spend an hour or more creating code for an email then PAY to send it to 15,000+ members- it was fast- engaging and FREE

Another issue is a module that collects the content from the past week and puts it in an email and sends weekly to members- never had it before but have seen it in/on other forums I belong to- we need it here badly

I have asked several people if I could hire them to create these items as modules and nobody is interested.

Let's face it- we can have the coolest webpage/network on the planet BUT if we do not have the tools to engage our members quickly, easily and often and affordable- then we are sunk.

So I am requesting these as update/improvements to Jamroom-if not time or interest in making them then please quote me on making them for me as a custom modules- I will pay for it and allow you to share it freely with EVERYONE

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updated by @derrickhand300: 05/21/15 09:11:02PM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
I'll contact you and we can setup a system for you to sponsor some module development.
