Some more ideas

10 years ago
93 posts
Hi again!

Here are some more idéas for jamroom. Not beeing a coder my self I like to contribute this way. Thank you for your hard work making jamroom better every day.. :)

Things i really would need in the future:

* Advanced search (Check out the search engine to the left for for example.) Filter results,

* song lists filter function

Say a long list with songs...But I like to sort them by form fields, length, price etc? Like a button or menu above ..., sort by popularity, price high to low in many web shops.

* way to upload files in bulk and files that are larger than 64 mb without messing with the server (Or mayby this is possible with the new jamroom cloud bundle or jamroom hosting - have not tried yet! :)

* different sign up pages for different quotas

* audio player at a fixed location at the bottom of the screen, not the footer, but in front. All audio routed throu there..

* Privacy audio, video etc
Is it possible to hide songs and other media forms from the search engine and from the cart system from the create audio form? For example if a song is beeing written between 2 users. Let it stay hidden until its finished and ready to be published.

* Let admin add other users songs to site bundles. Sell albums with multiple artists for example...

* Possible for customer to add entire playlists and favorites/my likes directly to cart?

* possible to sell mp3 for a lower price, although the original file is for ex wav. Wav at higher price?

* Group Support: Make it possible to invite people to join groups from profile - by user name, instead of applying for membership.

* possible to change, add items or hide the MAIN horisonal skin menu from ACP.

* possible to have an PAYPAL express checkout button or process alongside foxycart?

* possible to add variables for example song list row or chart with site builder or module from admin ACP? for ex. song title - bit rate - note about intruments - dat created - add to cart ...etc

Bug - profile tweaks:
Skins not translating well to profile page. Menues are off and in solo skin it is not possible to upload image to replace logo.

Keep up the good work!
Kindrest regards :)

updated by @tettlingen: 04/06/15 09:59:37PM
