closed Jamroom 6 - combined functions

10 years ago
195 posts
I would like to see combined music and video features.Single datastores for all songs(audio+soundcloud) and videos(video+youtube+vimeo).Seamless chart listings like JR4.If you came up with an upgrade or module for this,I'll be the first to purchase it.
updated by @johnchansa: 04/12/15 12:14:02PM
10 years ago
3,603 posts
This thread is about this as well:

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
195 posts
Thanks.I've looked at the thread before.Creating combined lists with the jrseamless module is not a problem.I've actually done it before.
The issue is more about the datastore concept which was introduced with JR5.It's a great advanced feature for jamroom.
Having used JR4 for a while,I miss the combined charts.Most members on my site have both soundcloud tracks and mp3 uploads.As a result,I have three chart listings-Soundcloud charts,Audio charts and Youtube Charts.An upgrade or new module to address this would be welcome.
