Batch Edit Photos

10 years ago
1,353 posts
I brought over 13,000 photos from my Ning site and it took 3 long days to remove half of them- its going to take even longer to title/tag all of them
Is their any way to install a batch edit similar to what Flickr uses that I could set to display 100 photos at a time with the edit fields under each- then I could copy/paste tags in all that are similar etc...and hit save.
Capture.JPG.jpg  •  101KB

updated by @derrickhand300: 04/06/15 09:34:58PM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
You say that like everyone knows what Flickr looks like. ;) For someone who hasn't used it, could you take a screenshot and post it here?

No need, we'll get something sorted for you.
updated by @michael: 02/18/15 02:18:52PM
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Screen shot provided in the post above. Let me know if you need my log in details to look around.
