search upgrade implimentation im testing

10 years ago
3,304 posts
hey i am working on implementing a very powerful site search server thats extremely customizable flexible and configurable
relevance can be defined at a granular level
analysis of the gathered data is customization it can search http filesystem and databases or anyting you like
if desired can utilize ocr (optical character recognition) to search non text file text in images etc
u can define the crawl parameters and limits how its rendered everything

im working on figuring out my own implementation
but it might just be the perfect solution to integrate as a module and replace the current search thats very irelevent at best

i spent nearly a month looking for a decent search engine
i spent over 100 dollars on 2 that are crap
this 1 i believe is the only 1 worth looking in to
and i think it should integrate nicely
though i will know more by weeks end (next weekend)

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 03/23/15 01:06:31AM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
That does look interesting.

You've found the setting in the admin area:
ACP -> LISTING -> SEARCH -> GLOBAL CONFIG -> additional search fields

Quote: If you would like to have additional DataStore fields available for search, enter the DataStore field name, one per line.

If you have created a custom User Profiles field via the Form Designer called "profile_location" you would enter profile_location on a line by itself to enable that field to be searched.

Jamroom's current search searches the database, so you need to tell it if you want to search in other places that its not currently finding.

That link you have also has a crawler, so that's a definite plus.
10 years ago
3,304 posts
yea i know u can have it search other feilds but it has no relevence weighing
like if u search for a term theexact title of something it very often is the last not 1st in the list

whoever i talked to about search before said relevence is a tricky thing well, this has that covered and customizable

i thought it was a really decent option for a much neeeded upgrade

ps also been talking to the foxycart guys (the ceo has dreads) and talking over optionsfor improving the shipping etc

i know you were satying that modules in desperate need of upgrade too

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
3,304 posts
micheal been talking to them they already have a big php integration library and are looking into the jr development documentation
i paid for the upgraded support to get help with customizing and integrating
going to use my sites as test sites
ill keep ya posted

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
