I'm looking for a suggestions on using Jamroom for Logo Contest.

12 years ago
517 posts
Here's what I want to do:
1. Have a contest for the best logo design for my new JR site.
2. Have members signup and vote for the best design(s)

My thought:
1. Anyone that signs up, can submit a design, lets say limit of 3 designs. So for this I would limit the photo uploads to three.

2. Can vote on as many designs as you want, but only once for any single design. This would be a combo of Star rankings, Likes, and ?? (looking for suggestions). There used to be a module on JR4 that you could assign points to actions?

3. Charts module will handle the Ledgerboard just fine

4. Want to integrate social sharing so that both designers and voters can drive more traffic to the site.

Is there a module to assign points to actions? Aparna?

updated by @ilovehousemusic: 12/20/13 09:03:07PM
12 years ago
7,768 posts
We set that sort of system up a year or so ago on JR4. You can take a look at it here:

for some ideas. Its all doable, just got to figure out how you want your system to work and then implement it step by step.
12 years ago
517 posts
I'll check that out, thanks!
