brian:..But that also comes down to the "type" of forum you're running. Here on our goal with the forum is support, so we really WANT to keep a topic to a short number of posts and discourage going off topic on a thread. Some forums are all about off topic.
I think it would be an easy add - the only thing that might be confusing is having the "followup post" form at the bottom of each page instead of at the very end. We can do either, but someone may not want to have to go to the last page in a topic to post a response, but that is the most logical.
Yes please! My network has threads like "Introduce yourself!" "What Tunes I'm working on this Week", "The Positive Thread"..that members love adding to and following over time. Every couple of years I clear them and start over but they get hundreds of posts and my members love them.
And yes, pagination please, and please place a reply text window at the bottom of EACH page so they don't have to go to page 1 or page 53 to post a new post on the thread.
Thank you!
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015