active in forum showing logged in, and visitors plus joins added to activity feed

11 years ago
3,304 posts
the more active a forum looks the more likely people are going to want to join in on the discussions
if the "currently are active in this forum" thing at the bottom was updated to include both logged in users and logged out visitors , it just makes even a low to moderately active forum seem much more inviting

another thing that drasticly increases joinuing a site is seeing other people joining, the more they see joining the more likely they will join

on a day when theres no joins in the activity feed you are unlikly to get any or many joins, but as soon as 1 joins anothers sure to follow, and if they see 15 joins they are very likely to wantto join too
so the joins should pop to the top and show everyone that joined within 24 hours (show the 1st 3 names "and 12 others" joined)

every time that "x number joined" pops to the top you are highly likely to see 2 or 3 or more join very soon after

these 2 lil suggestions can go a very long way towards helping your community grow faster
 •  25KB

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 01/24/15 06:27:53PM
