jr Embed Feature Request

Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
I don't have any idea how easy or hard this would be to implement, but instead of a global control, it sure would be swell if the user could select either their own content, or everyone's, to be listed.

Then on a big site with lot's of content, he could bring up only his own stuff to browse through - default. If the post is not about himself, he could check a box in the tools pop out screen, to search for everyone's.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 12/31/14 12:30:11PM
11 years ago
7,793 posts
I don't have any idea how easy or hard this would be to implement, but instead of a global control, it sure would be swell if the user could select either their own content, or everyone's, to be listed.

Then on a big site with lot's of content, he could bring up only his own stuff to browse through - default. If the post is not about himself, he could check a box in the tools pop out screen, to search for everyone's.

That switch is available now to the admin. Its in the GLOBAL CONFIG tab of in the ACP.

ACP -> TINYMCE EMBED BUTTON -> GLOBAL CONFIG -> Profile Media Only (on by default)
Quote: If this option is checked, then only media from the active profile will show in the TinyMCE Embed popup. If unchecked, then all media system wide (that is not private) will be available
Default: on

regardless of that setting any user can embed anything, there just isn't the search functionality. if you want to embed audio_id 11 and its yours the code is:
[jrEmbed module="jrAudio" id="11"]

The same code will work even if audio_id 11 is someone elses. So the suggestion becomes "Make it possible to expand the content to also be able to browse other peoples stuff."

Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Hi Michael,

I guess my suggestion could be reworded that way. A user friendly search box built into it might be a way to go.

Whether a checkbox for two modes, or a search window type of approach, it's really only going to be practical for users, if that code level functionality is made simplistic.

Most users are not going to be tracking down ID's, or working with codes, but if they could type in another members name (for instance) and see that member's content indexed, something like that would be useful. Or type in song - title and only those songs that match the word(s) are indexed.

Just throwing that out there - might be impossible - I have no idea how to code stuff.



Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 11/17/14 04:37:18AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
It's possible now - Michael pointed out the Global Config option you can enable to let your users see all the content.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Hi Brian,

I've had it set that way for awhile. That's not the feature request I was trying to communicate.

If you are set that way (as I am) it's hard for the member to find his own content, or to find specific content, without sifting through reams and reams of pages.

With the global setting the other way, the member can find their own content easily (because that's all there is) but can't access anyone else's.

What I was suggesting is, instead of a global setting, a profile level setting controlled by the user right inside the editor. His own content when checked, all content when not.

Or list his own first by default, then everyone else's. A search box would also be helpful for finding specific content.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 11/17/14 04:45:55PM