any chance of adding an "add to favorites" features

11 years ago
346 posts
any chance of adding an "add to favorites" features
updated by @boplive: 11/11/14 02:40:58AM
11 years ago
4,335 posts
Describe what you are thinking of.
Would it work like the jrLike module but with the ability to list everything you've liked/favourited?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
11 years ago
346 posts
Yeah...that's sounds pretty right for both likes/favorites...but for it to work with everything. .All Media and events and photos..In was only songs and videos that was allowed to be checked as a favorites.
And of course the ability to update and delete when needed.
updated by @boplive: 09/25/14 03:05:01PM
11 years ago
346 posts
So guys is this do able. .any chance this will someday be added as a feature in the to-do list ;)
11 years ago
7,791 posts
Check out pauls post here:

And the one underneath it by brian. It shows how to make a list playlist out of things that you've liked.

Is that what your looking for.
11 years ago
4,335 posts
If your not already using the jrLike module, install and adapt that. It would be pretty straightforward. If you are, then maybe clone and adapt it.
Would anyone else be interested in a 'jrFavourite' module? If so, I'll clone and adapt jrLike and put it on the Marketplace. Shouldn't take too long to do.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
11 years ago
865 posts
Yes Paul, the way I would envision it working is any item on the site could be added to favourites including profiles, then displayed on a page.

The advantage of Favourites is more evident outside a purely music focused profiles, think of someone looking to do a photography centric site, members could Favourite there top photographers to easily hire them again etc.
11 years ago
865 posts
Off topic, but Paul is there a way to clone any module via the admin area? This would save me a lot of time in the long term. Or is it done another way?
11 years ago
346 posts
That's kool Paul if you can put something together and add it to the marketplace...never thought about adding a profile as a favorite. ..but what Gary mentioned might be good to have happen..not just items...I'll look out for it
11 years ago
7,791 posts
Off topic, but Paul is there a way to clone any module via the admin area? This would save me a lot of time in the long term. Or is it done another way?

There's no way to clone say the jrAudio module from the ACP. The thought being that you build a separate module then tap into the 'events and listeners' system to extend it how you want to.

"Events and Listeners"

Or if its something new, use jrAparna to create a new module with just a TITLE tag, then extend it via the Form Designer, then you can export that module including the extra Form Designer fields via the "Developer Tools" module.
11 years ago
865 posts

I have used Aparna already to create two modules, Jobs and News but being able to clone any module easily would be cool, but I understand very unlikely to happen.
11 years ago
7,791 posts
Its not so hard to do with an IDE with search+replace functionality.

if the module is:

You would copy jrPage to gmOtherName. Then use the directory wide search+replace for jrPage to gmOtherName with case sensitivity turned on.

Then change any files, probably just /css/jrPage.css and /js/jrPage.js, to /css/gmOtherName.css and /js/gmOtherName.js

Do that with case sensitivity turned on so you dont get any lower case stuff by mistake.

Then do the same for the lowercase 'page' to 'othername'.

and you should be good to go.
11 years ago
865 posts
An IDE is something I need to invest in, I take notions of hacking things together for a few weeks of the year and never really thought for that there was much need for a proper IDE.
11 years ago
4,335 posts
You can do what Michael suggests in any decent text editor with search/replace

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
11 years ago
7,791 posts
What Paul said ^^. An IDE is just the big brother to a text editor. Few more buttons and features, good for lazy buggers like me.

Use whatever your comfortable with. I like PhpStorm.
