solved A Few Suggestions/Questions

Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
First off, I'm really impressed on how many of the "user friendliness" issues in JR4 were addressed in JR5. Awesome with the changesets gone and easy updates etc.

However, not being a programmer, I am still having trouble using some of the tools provided. For example, the meta tag manager. I know there have been two posts already closed on that tool, but please hear me out.

On a simple HTML site, I can easily hand code the title, description, and OG image, so that when I post the URL at the Facebook scraper everything looks good. I thought I had a "grip" on meta tags - lol.

However, I can't hand code it in the header on Jamroom, since you are grabbing info such as page titles from elsewhere, with some technique I don't understand. So I am forced to use the tool, instead of my simple HTML in the template editor, or by directly editing the file.

Problem is, the tool is "cryptic" and "intimidating" to me, even with the help files. I don't see a place to add an OG image, and while I'm sure the tool works fine for programmers who know what they are doing, how about an "idiot proof" basic mode.

Perhaps you can have an advanced mode for those who have the smarts to utilize it's power and capabilities, and a basic mode for "noobs" who are struggling to just control the essentials? Something we can't possibly "screw up" like:

Page Title: ______________
Page Description: ___________________________
OG Image: Attach here...

Perhaps basic and advanced modes should be a design strategy in more things where "user friendliness" for non programmers is an issue?


I like this automatic "Terms & Services" must be checked to continue module, but it "seems" to run on every log in. Can it be set to run once "on sign-up only", and not be seen thereafter on log-ins? If not, can that option be added to it? A simple checkbox would do. Run on sign-up only (check).

Is there any type of "wrapper" or some type of "tech trick" that will make an iframe shrink the way a picture shrinks in this adaptive script?

Also, why can I put an iframe on a system page like index, and it works (except it doesn't shrink), but when I put the "same iframe code" in a regular page or post, it will always give scroll bars that I can't get rid of, or not show at all (disappear like the code is being stripped)?

I'm talking about iframes from URL's I've approved in the iframe control module, and in quota's where iframes are enabled, and all HTML options enabled.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 10/24/14 05:37:50AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Hey Ken - thanks for the suggestions - it's appreciated! Let me try my best to answer things one at a time:

1) The meta tag editor should work here no problem - it's definitely a little more "advanced" tool, but if you already know how to add tags in manually then it should be no problem to use once you see how it works.

- within the Meta Tags "Global Config" you can define the valid Tag Names - so go there and add "OG Image" to the list and save.
- go back to the Meta Tag Browser and in the form at the bottom:
- Select "OG Image" from the Tag Name select
- enter the URL to your image in the "Tag Content"
- select the pages you want this meta to appear on

2) The TOS works this way (we run it here on for our developer accounts) and I'm not aware that it is not working. Once a user "accepts" the TOS, a key is set in their account. The next time they log in they will not have to accept it again UNLESS you have modified the TOS. If you modify the TOS it will make users accept it again.

3) Iframes can be very problematic - thus the module. First up let me say that embedded iframes are one of the highest risks to your site's security that you can have - most 3rd party attack vectors start off with a hidden embedded iframe. So out of the box Jamroom specifically checks for any iframes and removes them. Once you have installed the iframe module, then only URLs that have been configured in the module will be allowed. If you see an iframe that you have allowed being stripped, let us know and we can check it out.

"Resizing" an iframe to fit content is problematic as well, as there really is no "size" to an HTML file (which the iframe src is referencing) - it could be 400px wide on a mobile device and 2560px wide on a desktop. Let me know if that makes sense.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Hi Brian,

Great info, I think I got the "add category" bit, but there is still one thing that is unclear to me.

1) When I enter the tag content, do I put "just" the url (and the script adds the rest), or do I enter the surrounding HTML myself.

Example, for OG image would I enter just the URL:

or the whole string with brackets (code stripped here if included)

meta property="og:image"

2) Great, I'm glad it already works that way. I guess it's where I'm admin and I probably didn't check it, that caused me to keep seeing it on log in.

3) For the shrink issue, it's for an ad rotor that I generate at my advertising site. I was trying to replace a banner space in n8MSKin and it "worked beautifully" on a full size screen. However, it didn't "shrink" for mobile like I was hoping.

The iframes that have "disappeared" in tests, is that ad rotor and my radio. The radio is currently embedded successfully on my index page, and at 240 width shrinking isn't an issue.

However, if I put that same code in let's say a page, blog or event, it disappears, even a simple ad rotor iframe won't show in those places. I enabled their originating domains in the iframe module, so I don't know why they seem to be "stripped".

Perhaps I didn't enable them properly? When you tell the iframe tool that a domain is OK, do you put just the domain (example - or must you include the http:// (example Could that be the issue?

BTW - I put the codes here to show you but they were "stripped" here as well. So I attached them as a PDF.
Iframes.pdf  •  51KB


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 08/30/14 11:29:00AM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Update: I think I finally figured out the meta tool. I took a guess that I'm only supposed to enter the plain language, and it would add the code. It seems to have worked, when I look at the source code for my page header - hoorah.
The iframes disappearing is still a mystery.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 08/31/14 07:18:58AM
11 years ago
2,804 posts
In your System Core > Quota Config section, is the Validate IFrames checkbox checked for the quota your trying to add an iframe to?


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Yes, it's checked and I added the domains I'm using to it, so I really don't understand what I'm doing wrong if anything.
iframes2.JPG.jpg  •  22KB


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 08/31/14 07:25:20AM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Domains for iframes.
iframes.JPG.jpg  •  39KB


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 08/31/14 07:26:27AM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Core Config is the same for all quotas in that regard, as all are set to allow maximum HTML and all items checked.
iframes3.JPG.jpg  •  65KB


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 08/31/14 07:30:33AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah this all looks good - can you post a screenshot of the HTML code for the iframe you are entering that is getting stripped? I can try to replicate it here.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Hi Brian,

I attached both of the ones I've been testing with as a PDF about 5-6 posts back. Will attach again as a screenshot.

What I find strange, is that both codes work when used in the index page template. In fact, the radio is installed there right now (top left).

They just don't seem to work elsewhere - like pages, blogs, events.
iframes4.JPG.jpg  •  121KB


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 08/31/14 08:00:11AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Hi Brian,

I attached both of the ones I've been testing with as a PDF about 5-6 posts back. Will attach again as a screenshot.

What I find strange, is that both codes work when used in the index page template. In fact, the radio is installed there right now (top left).

They just don't seem to work elsewhere - like pages, blogs, events.

Yeah - that's where the iframe module comes into play, so I'm suspecting something is messing up there - I will check it out.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
10,149 posts
I just tested this here on a new blog, and I'm not seeing any issues (see screenshot). I see you are wrapping your iframe in a div - go into the System Core -> Quota Config and make sure "div" is an allowed HTML tag and save.

Let me know if that helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Hi Brian,

Thanks, but that can't be the issue, because I had followed the help tip and entered the maximum allowed HTML tags (which includes div). In fact, default does as well.

However, I will re enter and test again. Could it be because I'm in Mskin? I've noticed some things don't work the same there.

"To turn on all the possible editor buttons, use:


Ken Rich
11 years ago
7,794 posts
If you want to know if the skin is the issue, try it in another skin. Switch to Elastic and try the same thing there. That will tell you.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
I finally had a chance to do some more testing with this. I have tried it in n8MSkin, Nova, and Elastic. The "stripping" of HTML is present in all.

I have also tried enabling and disabling the module. Having "validate iframe domains" checked and unchecked, having the http:// in front of and missing from the "allowed" domain names.

So far nothing has worked - it appears to me to be some sort of bug...


Ken Rich
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah sounds like something is not working right. Can you email me your site info and FTP login info to support [at] jamroom [dot] net so I can check it out on your site?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
2,804 posts
The reason it wasn't working is because you did not add iframe to the allowed html... I just created a blog with one of the iframe codes you posted and it is working on your site now.

Note that I only added the iframe tag to the admin quota, so you'll want to go to your Core > Quota Config and add the iframe tag to the quotas you want to allow adding iframes.

Hope this helps! :)


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Thanks Douglas - I had emailed Ken back that it looked like it was working, so thanks for fixing that up ;)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Thanks Douglas... Sorry Brian my bad!

However, I think you need to edit your help tip in that Quota Config module. I found it a little misleading. Could have saved us all some time.

"To turn on all the possible editor buttons, use:

Adding iframe is not listed as even a "possible" tag, let alone mandatory if you wish to use them.

Therefore, I was laboring under the impression that if one checked the iframe box below the tag input box, that must be the action that "enabled" iframes, but "only" if they matched the list of allowed ones.

The two things I have learned here that are not "apparent" or "intuitive" are.

1) The supplied list (in the help tip) is not exhaustive - the script will accept other HTML tags not specified in the list of all "possible" tags.

2) Checking the box below that input window only allows iframes to be checked, it doesn't enable the ability to use iframes.


Ken Rich
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Thanks Douglas... Sorry Brian my bad!

However, I think you need to edit your help tip in that Quota Config module. I found it a little misleading. Could have saved us all some time.

"To turn on all the possible editor buttons, use:

Adding iframe is not listed as even a "possible" tag, let alone mandatory if you wish to use them.

This is for the editor buttons - i.e. what you see in the editor - not what would be allowed by any module in the system, but since all HTML tags (including iframes) must go through the "allowed html" we can add some type of check for that in the iframe module.

2) Checking the box below that input window only allows iframes to be checked, it doesn't enable the ability to use iframes.

Sort of - what it actually does is ENABLE the iframe module to CHECK if there are iframes in the input. So you're correct - it needs 2 things configured.

- Brian

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom