Skin Updates

11 years ago
53 posts
I have noticed something about the way that skins are updated from the marketplace. On yesterday, I ran the update to upgrade my Elastic skin to v1.2, upon completion, I ended up rolling my site (skin) back to v1.1.4 for the following reasons:

1. The update effected the look & feel of my site as it changed my background from the set image to a black background.

2. In addition, the update changed my menu (in mobile view) & it also changed my header (behavior) from scrolling to fixed.

3. The () content boxes (in my site index) have also been changed to a layout that don't really appeal to users of my mobile interface.

My Suggestion(s):

A. Please don't steer away from the look & feel of v1.1 - v1.1.4, elastic skin.

B. Is there a way to fix the marketplace skin update system to where it will only inject code revisions into our sites, without affecting the customizations that were put in place by us (the site owners)? Had I not rolled back to the previous version, I would've had to go back into the jrCore to reinsert the desired customizations that I added prior to the update.

** I love what you guys are doing with the jr5 project, in no shape, form or fashion am I trying to knock or bash how you guys manage the jr Road map, my suggestions are in my humbled opinion.

updated by @trickyricky: 07/10/14 04:03:43AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
I have noticed something about the way that skins are updated from the marketplace. On yesterday, I ran the update to upgrade my Elastic skin to v1.2, upon completion, I ended up rolling my site (skin) back to v1.1.4 for the following reasons:

1. The update effected the look & feel of my site as it changed my background from the set image to a black background.

2. In addition, the update changed my menu (in mobile view) & it also changed my header (behavior) from scrolling to fixed.

3. The () content boxes (in my site index) have also been changed to a layout that don't really appeal to users of my mobile interface.

My Suggestion(s):

A. Please don't steer away from the look & feel of v1.1 - v1.1.4, elastic skin.

I can understand this - that's why it was version 1.2.0 (not 1.1.x). The skins are likely going to be updated on a fairly regular basis with new tweaks, which could include style changes. One of the big things with the new Elastic was to simplify the CSS and make the menu better on mobile (which I believe it is - the slide out menu is easier to click on with your thumb than the old drop down, which had very small text). But I know that is a matter of opinion, so no big deal there.

B. Is there a way to fix the marketplace skin update system to where it will only inject code revisions into our sites, without affecting the customizations that were put in place by us (the site owners)? Had I not rolled back to the previous version, I would've had to go back into the jrCore to reinsert the desired customizations that I added prior to the update.

Yeah - you're going about this the wrong way. This is what you want to do:

1) Make sure you have installed the Developer Tools Module from the marketplace
2) go to Developer Tools -> Clone Skin and make a clone of the elastic skin - call it whatever you want
3) Make this new cloned skin your ACTIVE skin. Now you do not need to worry about ever having it be updated and changing anything you've done.
4) Now, just keep up to date with the Elastic skin changes and use the Elastic -> Templates -> "compare" button on the templates to see what has changed - then you can just copy any of the updates that you DO want to use into your templates.

** I love what you guys are doing with the jr5 project, in no shape, form or fashion am I trying to knock or bash how you guys manage the jr Road map, my suggestions are in my humbled opinion.


No worries - honest feedback is always 100% appreciated - without that Jamroom doesn't get better ;)

Let me know if what I've outlined above helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
53 posts
yes sir, your outline was very detailed & very helpful. I appreciate your insight.
