I have a couple freelance jobs I would like to get done (modules created), but I saw that only subscribers can list freelance jobs. I'm not sure why the decision was made to only allow subscribers to post freelance jobs. I have money to spend and I'm looking for people to hire. The only thing that gets in the way of that is having to become a member. Not that I'm really opposed to spending $29 a year for the membership because JR is a great script, but I would rather put that money into buying another module for JR or hiring someone to create something specific for the project I'm considering.
I think anyone should be able to request a freelance job. If you want to make money with the subscriptions than make certain modules only available to subscribers - something that can't even be purchased - subscribers only. If I wanted a certain "subscription only" module, 9 chances out of 10, I would pay the subscription to get the module. Requiring someone to pay $29 just to post that they're willing to pay someone for creating something is counterproductive IMHO. Someone posts a job > new developer sees job > decides to start developing for JR > tells all his friends to start using JR > repeat. Right now the aforementioned is blocked at the first step because new members can't even post that they want something done and are willing to pay for it.
Just my thoughts.
updated by @jimmy: 06/28/14 09:34:38AM