solved How Do I Turn Proxima Off?

10 years ago
56 posts
I'd like to go back to a regular Jamroom and I don't know how to disable Proxima. Can I uninstall it using the Marketplace?
updated by @lynnbird: 03/07/16 04:49:22PM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
First goto ACP skins page and switch from the Proxima Alpha skin to Elastic (say), then got back to the modules tab and disable all the Proxima modules. That should now ne a 'regular' Jamroom install.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
56 posts
I thought I had tried that and couldn't find a disabler button. Will look again and get back to you; thanks Paul.

Update: There seem to be 6 modules listed under the "Proxima" tab. Of these six, only three have a "module active" box to check or uncheck. One of the ones which apparently cannot be deactivated is the Proxima Core. I've unchecked the ones which can be deactivated.

What do I do now? Please take the "Solved" label off of this as it is definitely not solved!
updated by @lynnbird: 11/11/15 09:02:20AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
ACP -> Proxima -> Proxima Core -> Info -> UNCHECK "module active" and save. Note that Proxima Core is required for other Proxima modules, so you will NOT be able to disable it until you have disabled all the other Proxima modules. They are disabled the same way - in their "info" tab.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
56 posts
Whew! Didn't know there was an option in the Info section. All modules now disabled. Thanks a lot Brian! I am used to Jr 4, not Jr 5. They work very differently from each other. Now I am back to where I started; neither YouTube or audio pages are showing. Waiting for Michael to install the Site builder.
updated by @lynnbird: 11/11/15 09:18:54AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Whew! Didn't know there was an option in the Info section. All modules now disabled. Thanks a lot Brian! I am used to Jr 4, not Jr 5. They work very differently from each other. Now I am back to where I started; neither YouTube or audio pages are showing. Waiting for Michael to install the Site builder.

Have you enabled Audio and YouTube in the Quota's for each of those modules?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
56 posts
Didn't have to when I was using the Solo Artist bundle; should I go back to that? This whole sequence started with visitors complaining about the colors of that theme set, and me not being able to change it. Proxima's skin was more the color I wanted but you see what happened when I enabled that.

I will look at the Quota section and see what can be done. I have gone into the Quotas section for both Audio and YouTube; the attached files are what I see: tell me if this is correct.

QuotaScreen1.jpg  •  101KB

QuotaScreen2.jpg  •  106KB

updated by @lynnbird: 11/11/15 12:37:43PM
10 years ago
2,804 posts
The Solo Artist Bundle is centered more around a single artist site, if that is what your after, you can change the colors by going to your ACP > Skin Settings > Skin Styles.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
56 posts
Yes that is what I am after; this is not a label site or general Indie Artist Portal; my own media is all that will be shown. I have looked at the Style section and it is of no help at all. All I am able to change is button and font colors, not the padding and margin colors.

Attached is what I see in the Padding and Margin section which I assume is what I am trying to change.
GlaringRed.jpg  •  139KB

updated by @lynnbird: 11/11/15 12:43:33PM
10 years ago
2,804 posts
Yes, this ACP > Skin Settings > Skin Styles should let you change the colors without knowing CSS or HTML.

Let us know if you need help with it.



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos

updated by @douglas: 11/11/15 12:42:55PM
10 years ago
56 posts
Please see post update above. Changing log colors or text colors does nothing. I need to change the global site base color. And yes, after wrestling this for over a year, I would definitely say I need help and badly.
updated by @lynnbird: 11/11/15 12:50:32PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Please see post update above. Changing log colors or text colors does nothing. I need to change the global site base color. And yes, after wrestling this for over a year, I would definitely say I need help and badly.

Changing the log color is going to change the colors in the Activity Log.

You need to choose the "html.css" file and change the background color of the body element.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
56 posts
Ahhhhh! When you said the Skin settings in the ACP what you saw in the screen shot were the only options I could see. Let me do the body color change and see what happens! This part is what has stumped me for a whole year. I cannot find the html.css file either; does this mean a hand edit? No...there is a drop down menus I missed; there is no indication it is there until you click what appears to be only a filename display box; a bit unintuitive.

There is a core_html.css; if that is the one, I will soon know it. Nope, it isn't. Trying again with Header and Footer elements and that is working; this is going to take longer than I thought but we are finally getting there...just hit another snag.

Please see attached screen shot. The header is the color I want it to be now. I need the section of the body which has the audio player and the YouTube section to follow suit: i.e. I need the bottom section below the site banner to change color; this looks like a lot of trial and error.

Michael I hope you can see this thread; would the Site Builder be of any help here?

NotQuiteThere.jpg  •  349KB

NotQuiteThere2.jpg  •  225KB

updated by @lynnbird: 11/12/15 12:55:04AM
10 years ago
7,799 posts
Its easier to use firebug to figure out what css class your looking for and just use the search box there.

Take a look at this video I made for Zach a while back:
Using firebug with the STYLE tab
10 years ago
56 posts
Ok, looks like I need to install Firefox unless this will work with Chrome. Am already subscribed to the channel. Apparently it is not a CSS class I am looking for. in the HTML section of the left Firebug pane that glaring red section lights up when I have player_bckgrd selected; nothing lights up at all when I switch that left pane to CSS.

On the right, there is no corresponding color in either one. in fact when I select CSS on the index page, the entire right pane is blank except for a suggestion that I do a selector search which turns up nothing if CSS is selected when the search term is player_bckgrd.
updated by @lynnbird: 11/12/15 01:41:54AM
10 years ago
7,799 posts
I think chrome has something similar to firefox, the point was figure out what you want to change THEN go to the STYLE tab instead of going to the STYLE tab, changing something then trying to figure out what changed.
10 years ago
56 posts
I had already tried the built in Chrome equivalent and there were so many depreciated entries I couldn't even figure out where I was. In the JR Style section, core_html.css shows nothing when I use player_bckgrd in the selector section. I may be looking at the wrong file though? I am frustrated now. Going to give up for the time being. Will look back at this thread in a few hours to see if anyone can come up with anything else.

Otherwise, I may just be looking at going to a different CMS; a pity after about $70 spent on addons. A whole year of struggle with nothing to show except a site people complain about the color scheme of is just too much.

This is what I see when I click the Site Builder button on the front page; this doesn't quite look right. Is this supposed to happen? This was 5 minutes ago and the very first time I tried to open the app.
SiteBuilderError.jpg  •  351KB

updated by @lynnbird: 11/12/15 02:15:29AM
10 years ago
2,804 posts
To be honest, if you are having trouble with Jamroom, another CMS script is most likely not going to be much different when it comes to customizing and you'll not get the features that Jamroom offers.

Changing the color scheme for the Solo Artist skin is really simple.

Send me the details of what your wanting and I'll see if I can help you out real quick.

Send the details to support[at]jamroom[dot]net



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
56 posts
You have mail, Douglas, and I am sorry to be such a pain; I think I need a Web Design course when I have an education budget again.
