User Service - Retrieving profiles

10 years ago
9 posts

I got few question regarding Proxima's User Service.

1) Is there an API for retrieving a list of all profiles?
2) Is there an API for searching for profiles based on some attributes (profile name, biography, etc.)?
3) Is there a way to retrieve profiles which are followers of the current user?


updated by @velibor-dragutinovic: 05/05/15 05:59:56AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
1) No - right now you can't search User accounts or Profiles - this is done mainly from a security perspective. What you want to do is when you create a new account, copy the info (say username and what other "public" data you would want available) over to a custom collection in the data service that you could use for listing/searching.

If you have a unique use case where you don't think this would work let me know and I can check it out.

2) No - not at this time (see #1)

3) Using the Proxima Bridge you could do this - i.e

GET ... search conditions ...

It works exactly the same as the Data Service - all operators are supported. Note that the Bridge Service module is still in beta - so please let me know if you see any issues.

A quick question - are you using Proxima to provide an API for an existing Jamroom site (i.e. users will be signing up on your Jamroom site) or as the "backend" for a mobile or desktop app?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
9 posts
Quote: No - right now you can't search User accounts or Profiles - this is done mainly from a security perspective. What you want to do is when you create a new account, copy the info (say username and what other "public" data you would want available) over to a custom collection in the data service that you could use for listing/searching.

Ok, so when I make a request for creating an account, and get the response that account is created, I should make another request to add profile info to collection (e.g. POST api/data/profile)?

Quote: It works exactly the same as the Data Service - all operators are supported. Note that the Bridge Service module is still in beta - so please let me know if you see any issues.

I will play with it in coming days, and if I find anything strange, I'll let you know.

Quote: A quick question - are you using Proxima to provide an API for an existing Jamroom site (i.e. users will be signing up on your Jamroom site) or as the "backend" for a mobile or desktop app?

I am using it as a backend for an Android application.
updated by @velibor-dragutinovic: 04/04/15 11:20:23AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah that's probably your most flexible solution:

- create the account and get the account id
- POST that data and create a new record in a special collection - i.e. api/data/user_info (or whatever)

Only include the keys you want to be searchable. That will give you an endpoint specifically for searching user data that will let you slice and dice it in whatever way you would like. Make the collection Global Read Only.

If your users won't be using your Jamroom side to "follow" each other, then you'll need to create those "follows" programmatically via the API - let me know when you get to that point and I can give you more info on how you would go about that.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
9 posts

One more question.

Quote: 3) Using the Proxima Bridge you could do this - i.e
 GET ... search conditions ... 

Proxima Bridge does not come with Proxima bundle? How can I install it?
updated by @velibor-dragutinovic: 04/04/15 11:45:21AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Right now it is in beta so do this in your Jamroom:

- go to ACP -> Core -> Marketplace -> Tools -> Release channels and click the "make active for the BETA channel

- click on "Marketplace" tab and scroll down to the Proxima Bridge module and click "install".

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
9 posts
I have enabled BETA in release channels, but when I go back to modules I don't see Proxima Bridge module.
I see some other BETA modules like "Skype" or "Cron Server", but no Proxima Bridge. Am I doing something wrong maybe?
10 years ago
10,149 posts
I'm not seeing any issues here - as long as the BETA channel is active in your marketplace, it should show up on the first page of the "modules" tab. I just enabled BETA on a test site here and I see it, so just double check that the BETA channel active.

Also double check that you've entered your email address and system ID into the Marketplace -> Tools -> Marketplace systems correctly - you can find your info here:

Let me know if that helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
10,149 posts
I think what you're seeing is the lock on new modules for subscribers - new modules and skins are only available to Jamroom subscribers for the first 30 days. After 30 days they "unlock" for everyone. A VIP membership is $29 per year:

Sorry for not seeing that right away.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
9 posts
I have checked both as you suggested, all is OK, but I still don't see Bridge module.

Don't know if this could be the issue:

Also, I had troubles when installing proxima. I wasn't able to install it through marketplace. I could see it, but when I tried to install it gave me an error (don't remember what was the error message, I can try with fresh installation if that will help). I installed Proxima bundle manually, by copying from previous installation into Jamroom folder.

updated by @velibor-dragutinovic: 04/04/15 01:51:46PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Jamroom will not function properly on a Windows server - it needs to be a Linux, Mac OS X or FreeBSD server.

We do provide high end hosting if you're looking for a scalable super fast home for your Proxima site:

Otherwise you'll want to get a Linux based hosting account.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
9 posts
Quote: I think what you're seeing is the lock on new modules for subscribers - new modules and skins are only available to Jamroom subscribers for the first 30 days. After 30 days they "unlock" for everyone. A VIP membership is $29 per year.

Ok, so I need to wait 30 days, or pay $29 to get it now?

Quote: Jamroom will not function properly on a Windows server - it needs to be a Linux, Mac OS X or FreeBSD server. We do provide high end hosting if you're looking for a scalable super fast home for your Proxima site: Otherwise you'll want to get a Linux based hosting account. Let me know if that helps.

Yeap, I assumed that Windows is the problem. I will probably try with Linux.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah you should have no issues on Linux, so that should fix that up - and yes - a yearly subscription gets you instant access to any releases for the next year, or you can wait 30 days and they are available to everyone.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 04/04/15 02:09:27PM
10 years ago
9 posts

Thanks again for your help.
10 years ago
10,149 posts

Thanks again for your help.

No Problem :)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
